Selasa, 23 Maret 2021

Materi essensial Ujian Sekolah



1.  ungkapan meminta maaf yang benar 
2.  ungkapan terimakasih

2. Teks Fungsional Pendek
  1. Announcement
  2. Short Message
  3. Advertisement
  4. Invitation 
  5. Label
  6. Greeting Card

3. Teks Esei Pendek
  1. Descriptive
  2. Procedure
  3. Recount
  4. Narrative
  5.  Report 
  1. Fungsi Sosial Teks
  2. Struktur Teks
  3. Unsur Kebahasaan


a. Topik
What is the topic of the text?
The topic of the text is ....
b. gambaran umum 
The text tells us about ....
What does the text mostly tell us about? 
c. Tujuan komunikatif
The text is written to ....
What is the text written for?
The writer’s intention to write the text is to....
d. Tempat ditemukannya teks
The text can be found in/at....
Where can you find such kind of text?
e. Target/sasaran penulisan teks
The text is useful for....
Who is the text addressed to?
f. Manfaat adanya informasi tersebut
What is the advantage of the text above?


a. isi pesan  (short message)
What is the message about?
b. unsur penting yang menjadi fokus (advertisement)
What product is advertized in the text?
How is the product offered in the text?
c. ide utama paragraf (monolog text)
The main idea of the third paragraph is....
What does the second paragraph tell us about?
d. tindak lanjut stlh membaca teks 
On reading the message, Dinda will likely....
What should Dinda do on reading the message?
What will the readers likely do on reading the text?

e. opini /karakter penulis (narrative, descriptive, recount)
Based on the text, the writer’s brother is a....
Based on the text we know that the old woman is a....
f. pentingnya mengikuti langkah-langkah dalam teks (procedure)
We have to stir the mixture gently in order to....
we should spray the water regularly to....
g. dampak apabila langkah-langkah tidak diikuti dengan baik (procedure)
If we do not .... It will likely...
h. latar belakang peristiwa (narrative, recount)
Snow white escaped to the forest because...
The writer was frigthened because....
i. karakter tokoh utama dalam teks
Paragraph ... tells us that the man is a....
Cinderella is a kind hearted girl. It can be found in paragraph...
j. menentukan hal-hal yang terjadi/.tidak terjadi berdasarkan isi teks.(recount, narrative)
What will likely happen to Cinderella if she did not return home at midnight?
What will the writer find at home if he ....


a. Makna kata/ungkapan tertentu dalam teks
The underlined word is closest in meaning to...
The phrase “....” means....
b. Rujukan kata tertentu
The underlined word refers to....
c. Kata atau bentuk gramatika yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks. (based on the text).
d. Menyusun kata acak menjadi kalimat yang padu
e. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraf/teks yang padu

Each of text has communicative purpose.  As general the  purpose of its:


Expressing apologies 

To express an apology, we could say:
  •  I’m sorry for (coming late)
  • I’m sorry for (not coming to your party)
  • Sorry for (my mistake)
  • Please forgive me
Mira : I apologize. I broke your vase.
Jane: No problem.
Mira : That’s very nice of you. But, let me pay for the damage.
Jane: It’s okay, really.
 Mira : Oh, thanks.

1. In the dialogue,  Mira  ... to Jane

A. asks for help
B. asks apologize
C. gives instruction
D. expresses gratitude

2. From the dialogue we know that Jane is a … girl.

A. kind
B. stingy
C. grumpy
D. talkative

Messi    : Hi Robert. Do you bring my shoes you borrowed yesterday ?
Ozil    : Oh, I am really sorry. I forget it. I am in a hurry.
Mona   : .... I still have another one. Bring it to me tomorrow. 
Lisa    : OK I will. I promise not to forget it again

4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue above is ....
A. Why do you forget it again
B. How forgetful you are
C. I don’t think of it
D. Oh, it’s OK

This dialoque for questions no. 1 and 2
Sandy : Hi Amin, what are you looking for ?
Amin   : I’m looking for my watch .
Sandy : The black watch  you usually wear ?
Amin   : Yes. Do you know where it is now ?
Sandy : Sorry. I don’t know. But I’ll help you to find it.
Amin   : Thank you Sandy.
Sandy : No problem. 

5. The underlined sentence expresses ....
A. Apologize
B. Gratitude
C. Disability
D. Dislike

6. Based on the dialoque, we know that Amin is a / an ... boy.
A. Careful
B. Diligent
C. Helpful
D. Careless


Kartu ucapan yang diberikan untuk menunjukan ekspresi dan kepedulian seseorang terhadap hal-hal yang terjadi dalam hidup seseorang. Contohnya untuk mengekspresikan perasaan bahagia, sedih, bangga dan lain-lain.  
The following text is for questions 1 and 2

To: Anderson

Congratulations, you have bought a bigger house, which you’ve always dreamt about. I hope you will feel more comfortable. Don’t forget to invite me to your house-warming party.



1. Why did Anderson buy a bigger house?
a. He wanted to invite all his friends         c.  He wants to feel more relaxed
b. He always wanted to have a bigger house d.  He dreamt to invite his friends to a party

2. “ I hope you will feel more comfortable.” The underlined word can be replaced by…
a. Think b.  Say c.  Wish d.  Spend
The following text is for questions 3 and 4

Dear susi,

Congratulations on your success in winning the gold medal at the 2014 Asian Mathematics Olympiad. Hope it will lead you to the next international championship

     From: Bagus

3. From the text above we know that...
a. Susi was the winner of the Asian Mathematics Olympiad        
b. Susi hopes she will be the best in the next championship
c. Susi will join the next international championship
d. Susi received a big prize from the Mathematics Olympiad

4. “ hope it will lead you to the next international championship.” The underlined word is closest in meaning with…
a. Make            b . Help  c.  Encourage    d. Play

The following text is for questions 5 and 6
    To: Irawan

I remembered we played in the rain yesterday. Today, you are absent because of a fever.

Hope you get well soon and we could enjoy                  

playing in the rain again!


5. What is the text about?
a. A wish to get well soon c.  An invitation to meet soon
b. A wish to succeed in the future d. Gratitude for being a good friend

6. What is wrong with Irawan?
a. He played in the rain yesterday c.  He is in the hospital now
b. He has a fever d. He is all right

Questions 7 and 8 refer to the text below.

7. From the text we know that …
    a. Betty invited Anita to the science Olympiad.
    b. Anita was the champion in the science Olympiad. 
    c. Betty was happy to see Anita in Malaysia recently.
   d. Anita was the first person to come to the science Olympiad. 
8. The aim of writing the text above is …
     a. to inform someone. c    to pick up someone.
     b. to remind someone. d.. to congratulate someone.

Anouncement (Pengumuman)
     Pengumuman merupakan pesan atau informasi yang disampaikan kepada orang banyak/ khalayak masyarakat. Biasanya, pengumuman hanya menyampaikan pesan atau informasi yang menyangkut khalayak ramai . Misalnya pengumuman di majalah dinding sekolah, pengumuman di Surat Kabar atau majalah., di Mall, bandara maupun stasiun kereta dan tempat umum lainnya.

Read the text to answer questions 1 and 2.


To : All students of SMP Bahagia Semarang.
To celebrate the National Education Day, Students body will hold some interesting programs such as English Speech Contest, Debate, and Class Wall Magazine Competition.
Time : May 2, 2020.  8 a.m  onwards.
Place : School hall
Registration: Mr.Andi, the coordinator of this program

1. What does the text announce?
a. A Student Organization     c.  An English Speech Contest
b. A National Day Celebration d. A National Education Day ceremony

2. Based on the text we can say that ...
a. the programs will last for 4 hours. c. the programs will be held in the morning.
b. two competitions will be held. d. Mr.Andi is the organizer of the programs.

Read the text to answer questions 3 and 4.


To : All students of SMP Bahagia Semarang.
To celebrate the National Education Day, Students body will hold some interesting programs such as English Speech Contest, Debate, and Class Wall Magazine Competition.
Time : May 2, 2020.  8 a.m  onwards.
Place : School hall
Registration: Mr.Andi, the coordinator of this program.

3. What do we know after reading the announcement above ?
  A. We know the reason of closing the place
  B. We will get information about the place
  C. We will be ready to visit the place again
  D. We thank for the information and say sorry

4. What do you think of the announcement above ?
A. The closing will be done in long time
B. The animal will take a rest during the closing
C. The closing will be done in a short time only
D. The facilities of the place are in good condition

Questions 5 to 6 refer to the text below.

 Due to the repair of some facilities, we were temporarily closed. 
 During the time, we will have medical treatment for all animals here.
 We will inform you as soon as possible when everything is ready. 
 Thanks for your attention and so sorry for this inconvenience.

The Exhibition Manager

5. The monthly meeting is to ....
a. request a monthly meeting         c. attend at OSIS room
b. discuss the farewell party         d.  appreciate the grade IX students

6. “We  will discuss the farewell party for the grade IX students” The underlined word refers to ....
a. all grade IX students           c. OSIS chairman and OSIS secretary
b. all teacher and students of the school   d. the OSIS committee and all class captain

Short Message (Pesan Singkat)
Pesan singkat adalah pesan yang disampaikan secara singkat dengan mengutamakan hal-hal pokok saja. Dalam pesan singkat hanya hal-hal yang penting saja yang disampaikan. Langsung kepada permasalahan berbeda dengan surat harus ada pendahuluan, isi, dan penutup..
Macam-macam pesan singkat yaitu:
(1)   memo
Memo atau memorandum adalah pesan singkat yang disampaikan secara tertulis oleh seseorang untuk orang lain yang sedang tidak berada di tempat.
(2)   Short Message Service (SMS)
Read the text to answer questions 1 to 2.

Student Organization of SMP 47
To: All class captains

Please attend the monthly meeting. It will be held:
Date : Saturday, May 11, 2020 .
Time : After school Place : OSIS room
We will discuss the farewell party for the grade IX students.
Your attendance will be highly appreciated

OSIS Chairman OSIS Secretary

1. What is the message about?
A. A sick grandma                 C. A delay of an activity
B. A Working project                 D. A great plan

2. Dinda can’t come to Mira’s house because…
A. the project has not planned. C. she has to work in the hospital.
B. her grandma is sick. D. Dinda must be hospitalized

3. From the message above we know that... 
A. Dinda and Mira have to work together on their project.
B. Dinda’s grandma involves in the project.
C. Dinda and her grandma will meet Mira at the hospital.
D. Dinda expect Mira to stay in the hospital with her.

To :  Davi,
Hi, Davi.  I just want to remind you that the day after tomorrow after school, we will have a meeting to discuss our plan to celebrate our Independence Day. Do not forget to prepare presentation. 
See you there. Please forward this message to the others. 


4. What relationship is there between Davi and Nabila ?
A. Neighbour
B. Schoolmate
C. Roommate
D. Old friend

5. What should Davi do after getting the message?
A. Go to the meeting
B. Foward the message to others. 
C. Discuss the celebration of Indonesia Day. 
D. Inform Nabila that she will give a visit soon. 

6. “ remind you that the day after tomorrow after school”
The day after tomorrow mean ....
A. Two days after today
B. Thee days after today
C. Two days before today
D. Three days before today

Invitation ( Surat Undangan)
Surat yang bertujuan mengundang seseorang agar datang di acara yang diselenggarakan.
Bagian-bagian surat undangan adalah:
1)      Nama/ kepada orang yang diundang (alamat)
2)      Kalimat sapaan
3)      Isi surat undangan
4)      Penutup (nama pengirim)
Contoh :
Read the text to answer questions 1 and 2.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hansen
request the company of
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson Brown
on the occasion of their
25th Wedding Anniversary
on Saturday 28 May at 8. p.m.
Taman Orchid Indah Block 2 D No. 4
Cengkareng Jakarta Barat
R.S.V.P: Windy (02154390231)

3. Who will celebrate the wedding anniversary?
a. Windy                 c. Mr. and Mrs. Brown
b. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen d. The company

4. What is the text written for?
A. To invite somebody to a party
B. To celebrate a wedding anniversary
C. To inform the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hansen
D. To give direction for Taman Orchid Indah Block 2D

Read the following text to answer questions 1 and 2

All of Students Grade 9
You are invited to:
Day/Date : Saturday, the fifteenth of July
two thousand and twenty
Time : 10 a.m. – 01 p.m. 
Venue : Art Room Pramesti Hotel
Jl. Sudirman  kav.  9 – 11 Bandung

Come and help us celebrate it

*Invitation card available at OSIS

1. Who will the graduation party be held?
a. At Osis room.                 c.  On Sudirman street.
b. At Nusantara school.                   d. At Art room Pramesti Hotel.

2. How long is the graduation party carried out?
a. 2 hours.            b. 3 hours. c. 9 hours. d.  D  11 hours

Questions 3 to 4 refer to the text below.

Attention students
You are cordially invited to attend a seminar on tips for successful English language learning and how to communicate in English effectively. The seminar will be held:
- Date: April 26, 2020 
- Time: 08:00.A.M. to 11:30 A.M
- Venue: at SMPN 47 Jakarta. 
- Speakers: principal, along with English teachers of SMPN 47 Jakarta 
Many know that this school has performed well from time to time in terms of school achievements and I hope we can gain a lot from them not only in English but also in other subjects. For those interested in attending the seminar and would like to get more information, please feel free to meet Mrs. Lyana your English teacher soon.

Drs. T.B Yusuf
Deputy Principal

3. Where will the seminar be held?
      a. At 08:00 A.M. b. On April 26, 2020     c.  At SMPN 47 Jakarta   d. At school

4. Why should the students attend the seminar?
      a. They are interested in English.
  b. They want to be good at English.
      c. They want to practice their English.
      d. They want to get more information about  English and other subjects.                                                                              
 5…and I hope we can gain a lot from them not only in English but also in other subjects.
      The word gain has the same meaning as ….
a. Prove b. obtain c. imitate d. improve


   Read the text to answer questions 1 and 2.

Exclusive facial Cotton
100% pure cotton without bleaching
Ensures better absorbency and comfort for cosmetic application 
Hygienic way to remove make up and cleanser 
Its softness is suitable for baby’s skin

1.   What is the main function of the Exclusive facial cotton?
A. To soften baby’s skin C. To comfort the face
B. To absorb cosmetic D. To clean make up

2. From the text above we know that Exclusive facial Cotton is …
A. hygienic in certain items.
B. pure white without chemical process.
C. white with certain addition substances.
D. natural because of no chemical process.

The following text is for questions 3 and 4

Aptos® non-surgical Facelift. The latest non-surgical mini face, neck and brow-lift procedure from the USA at half the cost. The effects of this one-hour treatment last 3-7 years.
Allow 5 days to include aftercare.


3. How long is the treatment?
a. One hour    b. Three days c. Five days    d. Seven days

4. What is the purpose of text?
a. Describing a special clinic
b. Describing how the treatment is conducted
c. Advertising special treatment in the clinic
d. Telling how to come to the clinic

5. What is the purpose of text?
A. Describing an egg boiler
B. Describing how cook with an egg boiler
C. Advertising about Egg Boiler
D. Telling how to boil egg

6. Who is expected to read the text ?
A. Those who sell eggs
B. People who delivery eggs
C. Everyone who like cooking
D. Someone who like to eat eggs


Apa itu Label?

Label is an information contained in the outer packaging of a product or goods. Label adalah informasi yang ada dalam kemasan produk tertentu.
The purpose is to give detailed information about a product/memberikan informasi rinci mengenai produk tertentu.
Kemasan atau label biasanya terdapat dalam produk makanan (food), minuman (drink), obat(medicine), Produk kecantikan (Cosmetics) dan lainnya.


Read the following text to answer questions number 1 and 2.
Serving size: 1 tablet
Servings per container: 30
Amount of serving % Daily value
Vitamin C (as non acidic calcium ascorbate) 250 mg 416,67 mg
Calcium (as calcium ascorbate) 50 mg 7,14 mg
Citrus bioflavonoid* 50 mg
Rutin* 25 mg
Hesperidin* 25 mg
Rose hips* 125 mg
Acerola* 5 mg

*Daily value not established
Suggested use: 1 tablet after meal
This product contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, milk, egg,
sugar, chemical solvent, starch or gluten.

1. What is the purpose of the text?
     A. To advertise a supplement for woman                            C. To describe a product for adult
     B. To give detailed information about the supplement        D. To tell the value of a supplement

 2. “This product contains no artificial …” The word “artificial” in the sentence means ….
     A. Original      B. Pure      C. Unnatural      D. Inexpensive

To relieve fever and Headache Dosage: Children under 12: One tablet, Twice a day Adults: Two tablets three times a day
Shake well before use to relieve fever, flu, And coughs.Dosage: Children under 12: One teaspoonful after Meal, three times a Day Adults: Two teaspoonfuls After meal three times a day

3. Which statement is not correct based on the text?
      A. Pain Killer can be used by kids       C. Cough Syrup can be taken after meal
      B. Both medicines are in the form of liquid       D. Both medicines can be used to relieve fever
4. Dina's mother has got a severe headache. She has taken Pain Killer for a week.
    How many tablets has she consumed?
      A. 4             B. 28       C. 21                      D. 42

5. I am forty years old. My sister is four years younger than me. How many tablets must
    she consume when she suffers from headache?
     A. One teaspoonful three times a day C. Two teaspoonfulls three times a day
     B. One tablet twice a day D. Two tablets three times a day.

6. From the text we can conclude that……
     A. People have to shake the pain killer before use
     B. People have to take pain killer when they suffer from cough
     C. People have to take cough syrup when they suffer from flu
     D. Pain killer is a kind of capsule

Headache-Pain- Fever
BIOGESIC   Paracetamol
Each tablet contains
Paracetamol .......................................... 500 mg
BIOGESIC is indicated in a wide variety of painful conditions including headache, toothache, dysmenorrhea, myalgias, neuralgias, and other musculoskeletal disorders as well as in febrile conditions such as H-fever, rheumatic fever, flu and others.
Children ...........1/2 tablet 3 or 4 times a day
Adults ............. 1 tablet 3 or 4 times a day
Or as prescribed by the physician.
Children ........... 1tablet 3 or 4 times a day
Adults .............  2tablet 3 or 4 times a day
Or as prescribed by the physician.

7. The following painful is helped by consuming the tablet, except ....
      A. flu                        B. chest pain              C. fever                                    D. toothache

8. The purpose of writing the text is ....
      A. to offer the medicine to the readers                 C. to announce the function of the medicine
      B. to give information about the medicine               D. to tell the readers how to make the medicine

9. How many diseases are written in the text that can be treated with Biogesis?
               A. 7                B. 8               C. 9                D. 10

10. How much paracetamol is there in two tablets of Biogesic?
               A. 500 mg               B. 1000 mg               C. 500 gr.               D. 1000 gr.

11. How is the dosage for our grandmother when she suffer from mild case disease?
      A. ½ tablets 3-4 times a day                C. 1 tablet 3-4 times a day
      B. 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day                D. 2 tablets 3-4 times a day

Skin Cream
Indications    : For minor burns, insect bites, and minor cuts. Helps prevent infection.
Direction        : Apply a thin layer on the affected area thee times a day, Do not use it for more than two weeks.
Caution           :
Do not use on deep wounds. For external use only.
Keep out of children's reach. Consult a doctor if irritation occurs.
Net weight          :  5 gram
Expiration           :  January 2021

12. It is not suggested to use this product for ....
 A. less than two hours         B. more than three hours       C. less than two weeks        D. more than two weeks

13. "Consult a doctor if irritation occurs".      The underlined word has the same meaning as ....
A. cures B. happens C. arrives D. comes

14. Which statement below is correct based on the text?
     A. We can keep it in any place                  C. It is not dangerous for children.
     B. We can use the product up to January 2021            D. We can’t use the product before expiration.

Milk Vit with MV-4
The milk chocolate drink that gives instant health. Take Milk Vit with MV-4, the health drink for young and old. Milk Vit with MV-4 gives you good health all day an everyday. Drink Milk Vit, hot or cold, morning and evening. All over the world, healthy and vigorous man and women are drinking Milk Vit. MILK VIT WAS GOOD BUT MILK VIT WITH MV-4 IS BETTER.
Take a glass of water, add two scoops of milk with MV-4. Delicious and refreshing. Milk Vit Keeps you healthy all day. Miss G of Kowloon writer’s used to be tired all day and always in trouble over my work. Now thanks to milk bit. I am the fastest typist in The office. I don't make so many mistakes either !’
Milkvit with MV-4
For Instant Health
(inlarge, super large and giant family size tins)

15. What is Milk Vit with MV-4?
      A.  soft drinks enriched with vitamins
      B.  liquid containing alcohol for drinking
      C.  the milk chocolate drink for instant health
      D.  water from a spring in the ground containing mineral salt 
16. Milk Vit is sold in ...
      A.  tins       B.   large bottles    C.   super large jars              D.  giant family-size paper bags

17. For a typist the function of Milk Vit with MV-4 is...
      A.        to release the exhausting       C.        to make her slim
      B.        to add the concentration       D.        to cause many mistakes

3 komentar:

  1. Name: Muhamad Firmansah Wijaya (19)
    Class: IX - 1
    School: 47 Jakarta Junior High School

  2. Name: Zacky Mubara (33)
    Class: IX - 1
    School: 47 Jakarta Junior High School

    Class : IX-1
    School : 47 jakarta junior high school


Materi essensial Ujian Sekolah

  MATERI UJIAN SEKOLAH 1. TRANSAKSIONAL/INTERPERSONAL 1.   ungkapan meminta maaf yang benar  2.  ungkapan terimakasih 2. Teks Fungsional Pen...