Sebuah Blog untuk berbagi mengenai Pendidikan, Materi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, Kumpulan Soal-soal UN, Fashion, Resep masakan, dan seputar tips yang berguna buat para pembaca
Selasa, 23 Februari 2010
Tata Rias Wajah Natural
Kecantikan adalah sesuatu yang bisa dinikmati oleh mata, dan sangat terkait dengan unsur seni. Dalam mempercantik diri, Anda memerlukan perangkat Make Up, untuk itu yang perlu Anda perhatikan adalah mengenal karakter wajah yang akan di make up kekurangan dan kelebihannya. Perhatikan keseluruhan wajah Anda, mana yang menarik ?, itulah yang di tonjolkan. Dan mana yang nampak kurang itu dapat disamarkan atau diperindah tampilannya.
Apa yang dibutuhkan untuk membantu itu semua? Biasa disebut dengan Pure Colour Kosmetik Dekoratif yang biasanya terdiri dari :
Funny stories
1. The teacher said,
"Short waves cannot pass around objects. Long waves can."
The class did not understand. The teacher put his hat in front of his face.
"Can you see my face?"
"Can you hear my voice?"
"Short waves cannot pass around objects. Long waves can."
The class did not understand. The teacher put his hat in front of his face.
"Can you see my face?"
"Can you hear my voice?"
Tips Membangun Sikap Berpikir positive
Pernahkah kamu menghadapi situasi dimana harus memutuskan atau menentukan pilihan, tapi diri kamu dipenuhi keragu – raguan karena berbagai pertimbangan tentang “bisakah aku?” “jangan – jangan”………….”, “Kalau……lalu bagaimana ?” Sementara sahabatmu dengan penuh percaya diri memberimu semangat dengan jawaban “ah……….itu sih gampang”,…….Siapa takut?”
Minggu, 21 Februari 2010
Class VIII / Daily test
Choose the correct answer by shadowing A, B, C or D with 2B pencil on your computer answer sheet.
1. Zaki : Let's take a look at the giraffe.
… .
Erni : I think it's the tallest animal in the
world. It can reach and eat leaves on
the high tree.
Zaki : Yes, you’re right.
1. Zaki : Let's take a look at the giraffe.
… .
Erni : I think it's the tallest animal in the
world. It can reach and eat leaves on
the high tree.
Zaki : Yes, you’re right.
Class VII / Daily test
A. Complete the blank spaces by listen to the
1. Joshua : Hello, my name is Joshua
Joan : Hi, I’m Joan! ………………..!
Joshua : Nice to meet you, too! Are you
from Canada?
Joan : No, I’m from Australia.
Joshua : I’m Indonesian.
A. Complete the blank spaces by listen to the
1. Joshua : Hello, my name is Joshua
Joan : Hi, I’m Joan! ………………..!
Joshua : Nice to meet you, too! Are you
from Canada?
Joan : No, I’m from Australia.
Joshua : I’m Indonesian.
Jumat, 19 Februari 2010
Iga Bakar Saus BBQ
Iga Panggang Saus BBQ
500 gr iga sapi tipis
3 sdm mentega
Bumbu perendam:
100 ml saus BBQ, siap pakai
100 ml saus worcestershire ( saus inggris)
100 ml air jeruk lemon
1 sdt mustard berbumbu
2 sdm bawang putih cincang halus
1 sdm gula palem
1 sdt oregano bubuk
1 sdm madu
1 sdm lada hitam butiran, tumbuk kasar
Kamis, 18 Februari 2010
Funny stories
Suicide Blonde Goes To The Hospital!
A blonde hurries into the emergency room late one night with the tip of her index finger shot off.
"How did this happen?" the emergency room doctor asked her.
"Well, I was trying to commit suicide," the blonde replied.
"What?" sputtered the doctor.
"You tried to commit suicide by shooting your finger off?"
"No silly!" the blonde said. "First I put the gun to my chest, and I thought: I just paid $6,000.00 for these breast implants, I'm not shooting myself in the chest."
"So then?" asked the doctor.
"Then I put the gun in my mouth, and I thought: I just paid $3000.00 to get my teeth straightened, I'm not shooting myself in the mouth."
"So then?"
"Then I put the gun to my ear, and I thought: This is going to make a loud noise. So I put my finger in the other ear before I pulled the trigger."
"A young family moved into a house, next to a vacant lot.
One day, a construction crew turned up to start building a house on the empty lot.
The young family's 5-year-old daughter naturally took an interest in all the activity going on next door and spent much of each day observing the workers.
Eventually the construction crew, all of them "gems-in-the-rough," more or less, adopted her as a kind of project mascot.
They chatted with her, let her sit with them while they had coffee and lunch breaks and gave her little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important.
At the end of the first week, they even presented her with a pay envelope containing ten dollars.
The little girl took this home to her mother who suggested that she take her ten dollars "pay" she'd received to the bank the next day to start a savings account.
When the girl and her mom got to the bank, the teller was equally impressed and asked the little girl how she had come by her very own pay check at such a young age.
The little girl proudly replied, "I worked last week with a real construction crew building the new house next door to us."
"Oh my goodness gracious," said the teller, and will you be working on the house again this week, too?"
The little girl replied, "I will, if those as*!#!es at Home Depot ever deliver the fu*#'ng sheet rock..."
Smart Student
The college professor had just finished explaining an important research project to his class. He emphasized that this paper was an absolute requirement for passing his class, and that there would be only two acceptable excuses for being late.
Those were a medically certifiable illness or a death in the student's immediate family.
A 'smart' student in the back of the classroom waved his hand and spoke up. "But what about extreme sexual exhaustion, professor?"
As you would expect, the class exploded in laughter. When the students had finally settled down, the professor froze the young man with a glaring look.
"Well," he responded, "I guess you'll just have to learn to write with your other hand."
The Boss and The Trainee
A Man joined a big Multy National Company as a trainee. On his first day he dialed the pantry and shouted into the phone, "Get me a coffee quickly!"
The voice from the other side responded, "You fool you've dialed the wrong extension! Do you know who you're talking to, dumbo?"
No", replied the trainee.
"It's the Managing Director of the company, you fool!" The man shouted back, "And do you know who YOU are talking to, you fool?"
"No", replied the Managing Director. "That's Good!", replied the trainee and put down the phone!
Ha Ha! I hope you learn from this and that this never happens to you!!
Medical Problem
An old woman came into her doctor's office and confessed to an embarrassing problem. "I do that all the time, Doctor Johnson, but they're soundless, and they have no odor. In fact, since I've been here, I did it no less than twenty times. What can I do?"
"Here's a prescription, Mrs. Harris. Take these pills three times a day for seven days and come back and see me in a week."
Next week an upset Mrs. Harris marched into Dr. Johnson's office. "Doctor, I don't know what was in those pills, but the problem is worse! I'm doing it just as much, but now it smells terrible! What do you have to say for yourself?"
"Calm down, Mrs. Harris," said the doctor soothingly. "Now that we've fixed your sinuses, we'll work on your hearing!"
A blonde hurries into the emergency room late one night with the tip of her index finger shot off.
"How did this happen?" the emergency room doctor asked her.
"Well, I was trying to commit suicide," the blonde replied.
"What?" sputtered the doctor.
"You tried to commit suicide by shooting your finger off?"
"No silly!" the blonde said. "First I put the gun to my chest, and I thought: I just paid $6,000.00 for these breast implants, I'm not shooting myself in the chest."
"So then?" asked the doctor.
"Then I put the gun in my mouth, and I thought: I just paid $3000.00 to get my teeth straightened, I'm not shooting myself in the mouth."
"So then?"
"Then I put the gun to my ear, and I thought: This is going to make a loud noise. So I put my finger in the other ear before I pulled the trigger."
"A young family moved into a house, next to a vacant lot.
One day, a construction crew turned up to start building a house on the empty lot.
The young family's 5-year-old daughter naturally took an interest in all the activity going on next door and spent much of each day observing the workers.
Eventually the construction crew, all of them "gems-in-the-rough," more or less, adopted her as a kind of project mascot.
They chatted with her, let her sit with them while they had coffee and lunch breaks and gave her little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important.
At the end of the first week, they even presented her with a pay envelope containing ten dollars.
The little girl took this home to her mother who suggested that she take her ten dollars "pay" she'd received to the bank the next day to start a savings account.
When the girl and her mom got to the bank, the teller was equally impressed and asked the little girl how she had come by her very own pay check at such a young age.
The little girl proudly replied, "I worked last week with a real construction crew building the new house next door to us."
"Oh my goodness gracious," said the teller, and will you be working on the house again this week, too?"
The little girl replied, "I will, if those as*!#!es at Home Depot ever deliver the fu*#'ng sheet rock..."
Smart Student
The college professor had just finished explaining an important research project to his class. He emphasized that this paper was an absolute requirement for passing his class, and that there would be only two acceptable excuses for being late.
Those were a medically certifiable illness or a death in the student's immediate family.
A 'smart' student in the back of the classroom waved his hand and spoke up. "But what about extreme sexual exhaustion, professor?"
As you would expect, the class exploded in laughter. When the students had finally settled down, the professor froze the young man with a glaring look.
"Well," he responded, "I guess you'll just have to learn to write with your other hand."
The Boss and The Trainee
A Man joined a big Multy National Company as a trainee. On his first day he dialed the pantry and shouted into the phone, "Get me a coffee quickly!"
The voice from the other side responded, "You fool you've dialed the wrong extension! Do you know who you're talking to, dumbo?"
No", replied the trainee.
"It's the Managing Director of the company, you fool!" The man shouted back, "And do you know who YOU are talking to, you fool?"
"No", replied the Managing Director. "That's Good!", replied the trainee and put down the phone!
Ha Ha! I hope you learn from this and that this never happens to you!!
Medical Problem
An old woman came into her doctor's office and confessed to an embarrassing problem. "I do that all the time, Doctor Johnson, but they're soundless, and they have no odor. In fact, since I've been here, I did it no less than twenty times. What can I do?"
"Here's a prescription, Mrs. Harris. Take these pills three times a day for seven days and come back and see me in a week."
Next week an upset Mrs. Harris marched into Dr. Johnson's office. "Doctor, I don't know what was in those pills, but the problem is worse! I'm doing it just as much, but now it smells terrible! What do you have to say for yourself?"
"Calm down, Mrs. Harris," said the doctor soothingly. "Now that we've fixed your sinuses, we'll work on your hearing!"
Rabu, 17 Februari 2010
Simple Past
• You called Debbie.
• Did you call Debbie?
• You did not call Debbie.
Complete List of Simple Past Forms
USE 1 Completed Action in the Past
• You called Debbie.
• Did you call Debbie?
• You did not call Debbie.
Complete List of Simple Past Forms
USE 1 Completed Action in the Past
Past Continuous
Past Continuous
[was/were + present participle]
• You were studying when she called.
• Were you studying when she called?
• You were not studying when she called.
Complete List of Past Continuous Forms
USE 1 Interrupted Action in the Past
[was/were + present participle]
• You were studying when she called.
• Were you studying when she called?
• You were not studying when she called.
Complete List of Past Continuous Forms
USE 1 Interrupted Action in the Past
Soal-soal Text Procedure
Reading Comprehension Test
Read the text below and answer the questions!
Goal-----------------------------------Follow these instructions how to germinate petunia seeds
Materials --------------------You will need:
• A pack of petunia seeds.
• A seed tray or small pots.
• Loamy friable soil or potting mix.
• Water
• Fertilizer
1. Fill seed tray with soil.
2. Incorporate fertilizer into soil.
3. Scatter seeds on the surface of the soil.
4. Cover seeds with a 3 mm layer of soil. Press firmly.
5. Spray water to moisten to seed bed.
6. Place seed tray in warm, sunny position (at least 25 deg. C)
7. Keep soil moist by watering gently while seeds are germinating. Seeds will germinate in approximately 10 -14 days.
1. Where would you most probably find that kind of the text above?
2. How long will it take for a petunia seed to germinate?
3. What is the minimum temperature required when the seed is put in the sun?
4. How should you water seeds when they are germinating?
Read the text above and choose the word that is closest to the meaning of each of words as used in the text!
5. Germinate
a. bear
b. start growing
c. pollinate
6. Fertilizer
a. chemical substance
b. seed
c. fruit
7. Scatter
a. move to different directions
b. cover
c. dig
8. Firmly
a. loosely
b. tenderly
c. strongly
9. Moisten
a. make dry
b. water
c. make wet
10. Gently
a. slowly and carefully
b. fast
c. warmly
11. Tray
a. carrier
b. mover
c. installer
12. Spray
a. soak
b. place
c. insert
13. Instruction
a. step
b. movement
c. teacher
14. Approximately
a. exact
b. about
c. more
Read the following text carefully and answer the questions!
Text 1 for question 15-21
1. How to make “Milkavo” Juice
2. Materials:
• Avocado
• 1 sachet of chocolate milk
• A glass of water
• 3 tablespoons of sugar
3. Tools:
• Knife
• Spoon
• Blender
• Glass
• Drinking straw
4. Steps:
First, cut the avocado into halves take out the seed.
Second, pick the avocado flesh with spoon. Put it into the blender, pour the sugar and the water too.
Third, blend it well for two minutes.
Fourth, pour the juice into the glass and give some chocolate milk on it. Now the “Milkavo” is ready for you.
15. What kind of text is it?
a. Narrative c. Procedure
b. Recount d. Descriptive
16. What is part no. 1 of the text called?
a. Goal c. Title
b. Content d. Identification
17. How many kids of material do you need to make juice?
a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four
18. How much sugar do you need to make three glasses of “Milkavo” juice?
a. Three tablespoons c. Nine tablespoons
b. Six tablespoons d. twelve tablespoons
19. What material is not put in the blender?
a. Sugar b. Milk c. Water d. Avocado
20. Here are the tools we need in the text, except …
a. Knife b. Straw c. Blender d. Pan
21. “Cut the avocado into halves.”
a. Cut into three c. Sliced into four
b. Divided into two d. Chopped into pieces
Text 2 for questions 22-25
Material needed:
• 1 cup whole meal self-raising flour
• ½ cup brown sugar
• ½ cup oat bran
• ½ teaspoon cinnamon
• ¼ cup almond flakes
• 2 large green apples
• 1 egg
• 2/3 cup milk
• 60 g butter, melted.
1. Turn oven to 220 C (425 F)
2. Grease 12 muffin pans.
3. Sift flour into a bowl; add sugar, oat bran, cinnamon and almonds.
4. Peel and grate the apples.
5. Put them into the bowl.
6. Mix egg, milk and melted better in a jug.
7. Add to bowl all at once.
8. Stir with a fork.
9. Almost fill the muffin pans with the butter.
10. Bake in oven for 15to 20 minutes until golden.
11. Serve the muffins warm with butter and jam.
22. Where do you cook the muffins?
a. In stove b. In oven c. In bowl d. In fork
23. How much butter is used?
a. 50 g b. 60 g c. 70 g d. 80 g
24. How long do you bake the muffin?
a. For 12 to 15 c. for 17 to 22
b. For 15 to 20 d. For 19 to 24
25. What do you use to stir?
a. Bowl b. Fork c. Oven d. Mixer
Text 3 for questions 26-29
Prepare a pan and some eggs.
Put some water in the pan.
Put some eggs in the pan.
Turn on the stove.
Put the pan on it.
Wait until the water is boiled.
Wait for 5 minutes.
The boiled eggs are ready.
26. What kind of dish is it based on the instruction?
a. Omellete. c. Sandwich.
b. Boiled eggs. d. Hot dog.
27. Where do you put the pan?
a. On the table c. In the cupboard
b. Near the water d. On the stove
28. “Turn on the stove”
The opposite of the underlined phrase is …
a. Take over c. Switch off
b. Clean up d. Get off
29. How many house hold appliances do we need to prepare the dish?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
Text 4 for questions 30-32
Reload Voucher
1. Scratch the grey area with a coin to find 16 digits voucher number.
2. Dial *900 and follow the instructions or SMS to 555, type TOPUP 16 digits voucher number.
3. The amount stated on the voucher will be added to your asia/Wifone/Wimode account.
4. Dial *955/*555 or SMS to 555 and type: Talk time to check your remaining talk Time balance from your phone.
5. Active period 30 days. This could be changed without prior notice. Please Top up before end of active.
Customer Care
Dial *999 from Esia number or Produced by PT Bakrie Telecom TBK. Jakarta
30. The text is meant …
a. To promote the sale of the voucher in the future.
b. To remind customers not load their voucher.
c. To identify problems in reloading the voucher.
d. To tell Esia customers on how to reload the voucher.
31. There are … ways to check the remaining Talk Time balance.
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
32. “This could be changed without prior notice.”
The word “this” in the sentences refers to …
a. The length of active period. c. The price of the voucher.
b. The phone number. d. The activity of dialing.
Text 4 for questions 33-35
Tikka Kebab
Cubes of lamb
Squares of green pepper
Tikka seasoning mixture
1. Cut onions into quarters.
2. Put cubes of lambs, squares of green pepper and onion squares on bamboo skewers and marinate them in Tikka seasoning.
3. Grill them
4. Serve them with salad (curry like seasoning from India)
33. What does the writer write the text for?
a. To inform how to serve a salad.
b. To explain how to make a salad.
c. To tell how to make Tikka kebab
d. To discuss how to make cubes of lamb.
34. How many ingredients are needed to make Tikka Kebab?
a. Three b. Four c. Five d. six
35. What does the word “them” in step 2 refer to?
a. Cubes of lamb and onions.
b. Onion, bamboo skewers, and salad.
c. Squares of green pepper and onions.
d. Cubes of lambs, onions, and squares of green pepper.
Text 5 for questions 22-24
How to save money in a bank
First go to the slip counter
Take a deposit slip
Fill out the deposit slip by writing your account number, the address and the amount of money to be saved
Bring it at the teller window
Endorse by signing at the back
Give the teller the money and wait for her to count and print it in your deposit book
Take the deposit book back
36. The text above is meant to?
a. Give instructions how to save money in a bank
b. Retell the experience of saving money in a bank
c. Give information about the job of a teller
d. Describe how to go to the bank
37. Which is not done when filling out the deposit slip?
a. Put the address
b. Write the account number
c. Wait the teller to count the money
d. Write down the amount of the money
38. “Bring it at the teller window.”
The underlined word refers to?
a. The money
b. The deposit slip
c. The address
d. The account number
Text 6
First open your e-mail program and launch “ a new message window” by clicking on the appropriate icon.
Second Type the name/the email address correctly otherwise the message will return to you. You can also send your email to more than one person by entering multiple addresses.
Third Type the subject of your email/ message.
Fourth Write your message in the “Message window”
Fifth Click on the “send “ icon or select “send” the file menu.
Answer these questions.
1.Which one is the best goal for the above text?
a.Making an email program. b. A window message.
c. How to send email. d. Sending an email is very easy.
2. The statements below are wrong based on the text, except….
a. The text is kind of report. b. there are six steps in the text.
c. we can’t send our email to many recipients at once.
d. the email must be typed before it is send.
3. What is the social function of such text?
a. to tell how something is done in a series of actions.
b. to inform the material for doing something.
c. Describing the tools used in the text.
d. narrating the thing being processed.
4. What does the word “recipient” in the text nearly mean?
a. addressee b. person who send the email.
c. Recipe d. The writer of the email.
5. You have to…before clicking the “send”icon or selecting it from the file menu.
a. open the message program. b. type your name.
c. insert your picture. d. write your message.
Complete the procedure text below with the appropriate words.
First…(6)…the menu, then click messaging icon and open it. Click new message, after that click “type message”, three choices will…(7)…;choose”short message”.Then type the recipent or phone number. Write your message.
….(8)…click “select” and choose send.
6. a. close c. send d. type
7. b. appear c. click d. write
8. a. At least b. Before c. Finally d. After that
9. What does the text tell us?
a. The way to click message.
b. How to send email
c. How to connect recipent.
d. The steps in reading email.
Tour Itinerary
The red Arrow Express runs from Hongkong to London.
Day 1. Monday-Depart London
After a champagne breakfast passengers depart Liverpool street station at 09.40 hours in the morning, traveling, via Harwich to the Hook of Holland. Overnight on the train.
Day 2. Tuesday-Osnabruck/East Germany/ Berlin/ Warsaw
Cross into East Germany, passing Berlin and Warsaw, and then on towards The Soviet Union border overnight on the train.
Day 3. Wednesday- Minsk/ moscow.
The border with the Soviet Union is reached just before night, then the train continuous through South Western Russia, arriving in Moscow at 15.00 hours. Transfer to the hotel.
Day 4. Thursday- Moscow
At leasure in Moscow with a programe of visit to some of Moscow’s museums and exibition.
Day 5. Friday- Moscow/Trans –Siberian Express.
Leave for the station after breakfast, boarding trans Siberian Express in the direction of Novosibersk.
Overnight on the train.
10. Which station does the holiday begin at?
a.Liverpool street b.East Germany
c. Osnabruck d. Harwich
11. When the train leaves London on day 1, What will the travellers have for breakfast?
a. Burger b. Bread c. Champagne d.Fried rice
12. What is the text about?
a. The travel information b. The holiday prices
c. A holiday tour d. A plan of journey
13. Day 5. “Leave for the station after breakfast”. The phrase underlined means…..
a. land up b. arrive at c. go to d. come out
14. How long will the tour last?
a. Three days b.Five days c. Four days d.Six days
15.How will the travelers go?
a. By airplane b. By Ship c. By bus d. By train
• Hard boiled eggs (cooled)
• Paper towels
• Food coloring
• Glass jar
• Vinegar
• Salt
1. Rinse eggs in cold water in cold water and dry it wiyh paper towels. To make the dye, pour half a small bottle of food coloring into a glass jar and add 300 ml of hot water.
2. Add 300 ml vinegar and 15 ml salt. Lower and egg into the jar of dye and leave for a few minutes. Check the color of the eggs regularly.
3. When the eggs has reached the desired color, lift it out and repeat the process with the remaining eggs.
16. What liquid do we need in making colored eggs?
a. salt jar
c. vinegar d. paper towel
17. Food coloring and hot water are needed to make ….
a. rinse eggs b. vinegar
c.paper towel d. dye
18. “Lower and eggs into the jar of dye and leave for a few minutes”.
The underlined word is similar to…..
a. Dip b. crack
b. Water d. peel
19. Which parts of the text do we get the way to make coloring eggs?
a. goal b. steps
c. material c. identification
20. From the text above we get information on….
a. What coloring eggs are
b. How to make coloring eggs
c. Where we can find coloring eggs
d. Which the best coloring eggs.
For questions 1 to 5, fill in the blanks with the suitable words!
I’ll…(1) you how to make apple juice. What you…(2) are 500 grams of apple without peeling them, 100 grams of …(3) sugar, 500 ml of water, and 2 spoon full of lemon. Now how to make it. First, boil the lump sugar and water until the lump sugar is…(4) in the water. Then mix the apple,lemon and the water of lump sugar.Finally…(5) it in a glass with lemon and mint’s leaf accessory.
1. a. make b. tell
c.have d. order
2. a. buy b. peel
c. need d. slice
3. a. lump c. bunch
b.basin d. kilo
4. a.mixed c. stirred
b. dissolved d. washed
5. a. submit c.sell
b. hand in d. serve
Withdrawing cash with an ATM card.
1. Read the directions.
2. Put your card into the slot.
3. Punch in your personal Identification number (PIN).
4. When the choices appear, select “withdrawal from checking.”
5. Enter the amount that you want to withdraw.
6. When your money appears, remove it.
7. When the machine ask if you are finished, press “yes”
8. Take out the receipt.
9. Take your card.
Answer the question!
6. What do you do after you put the card into slot when you want to withdraw money with ATM?
a. Read the direction b.punch in the pin
c. put the card again into the slot d. select the “ withdrawal from the checking”.
7. “When your money appears, remove it” . The word “it” here refers to….
a. The machine we use to withdraw money.
b.The amount of money we withdraw from the ATM.
c. The receipt we get from the machine.
d. The card we get after we insert into the slot.
8. When we have got the money we want to withdraw, What do we get?
a. Our ATM card. b. A new pin
c. “ yes” code from the machine. d. A receipt
9. What is the goal of the text above?
a. How to save money with ATM b. How to operate an ATM
c. How to withdraw money with an ATM card d. How to use the ATM card
10. “ Take your card” From this sentences, we know that the card will….
a. come out automatically
b. fall down from the machine
c. be in the machine all the time
d. pop out after long time.
The basic operation of a digital camera
Follow the steps below to take picture
1. Hold up the camera and center the object in the LCD
2. Move closer or use the zoom control for the result you want
3. When you ready …(1)…the picture, hold the shutter halfway. It is very important, so the camera sets the focus, shutter speed and various other calculation. This may take a few seconds.
4. A light should appear that lets you know the camera is set to go.
5. Press shutter all the way down.
It may be ….(2)…to turn off the LCD and use the view finder when there is extreme sunlight or to conserve battery life. The are from the LCD doesn’t work well with bright light.
1.a. to take b. to handle c. to hold d. to put
2. a. good b. necessary c. right d. bad
Complete the procedure text below with the appropriate words!
1. First,….(3)….the menu
2. Then click messaging icon and open it.
3. Click new message
4. After that click “Type massage” three choices will….(4)…; choose “short message”.
5. Then type the recipient or phone number.
6. …(5)…click “select “ and choose send.
3. A. close b. send c. open d. type
4. A. show b. click c. appear d. write
Read the text below and answer the questions!
Goal-----------------------------------Follow these instructions how to germinate petunia seeds
Materials --------------------You will need:
• A pack of petunia seeds.
• A seed tray or small pots.
• Loamy friable soil or potting mix.
• Water
• Fertilizer
1. Fill seed tray with soil.
2. Incorporate fertilizer into soil.
3. Scatter seeds on the surface of the soil.
4. Cover seeds with a 3 mm layer of soil. Press firmly.
5. Spray water to moisten to seed bed.
6. Place seed tray in warm, sunny position (at least 25 deg. C)
7. Keep soil moist by watering gently while seeds are germinating. Seeds will germinate in approximately 10 -14 days.
1. Where would you most probably find that kind of the text above?
2. How long will it take for a petunia seed to germinate?
3. What is the minimum temperature required when the seed is put in the sun?
4. How should you water seeds when they are germinating?
Read the text above and choose the word that is closest to the meaning of each of words as used in the text!
5. Germinate
a. bear
b. start growing
c. pollinate
6. Fertilizer
a. chemical substance
b. seed
c. fruit
7. Scatter
a. move to different directions
b. cover
c. dig
8. Firmly
a. loosely
b. tenderly
c. strongly
9. Moisten
a. make dry
b. water
c. make wet
10. Gently
a. slowly and carefully
b. fast
c. warmly
11. Tray
a. carrier
b. mover
c. installer
12. Spray
a. soak
b. place
c. insert
13. Instruction
a. step
b. movement
c. teacher
14. Approximately
a. exact
b. about
c. more
Read the following text carefully and answer the questions!
Text 1 for question 15-21
1. How to make “Milkavo” Juice
2. Materials:
• Avocado
• 1 sachet of chocolate milk
• A glass of water
• 3 tablespoons of sugar
3. Tools:
• Knife
• Spoon
• Blender
• Glass
• Drinking straw
4. Steps:
First, cut the avocado into halves take out the seed.
Second, pick the avocado flesh with spoon. Put it into the blender, pour the sugar and the water too.
Third, blend it well for two minutes.
Fourth, pour the juice into the glass and give some chocolate milk on it. Now the “Milkavo” is ready for you.
15. What kind of text is it?
a. Narrative c. Procedure
b. Recount d. Descriptive
16. What is part no. 1 of the text called?
a. Goal c. Title
b. Content d. Identification
17. How many kids of material do you need to make juice?
a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four
18. How much sugar do you need to make three glasses of “Milkavo” juice?
a. Three tablespoons c. Nine tablespoons
b. Six tablespoons d. twelve tablespoons
19. What material is not put in the blender?
a. Sugar b. Milk c. Water d. Avocado
20. Here are the tools we need in the text, except …
a. Knife b. Straw c. Blender d. Pan
21. “Cut the avocado into halves.”
a. Cut into three c. Sliced into four
b. Divided into two d. Chopped into pieces
Text 2 for questions 22-25
Material needed:
• 1 cup whole meal self-raising flour
• ½ cup brown sugar
• ½ cup oat bran
• ½ teaspoon cinnamon
• ¼ cup almond flakes
• 2 large green apples
• 1 egg
• 2/3 cup milk
• 60 g butter, melted.
1. Turn oven to 220 C (425 F)
2. Grease 12 muffin pans.
3. Sift flour into a bowl; add sugar, oat bran, cinnamon and almonds.
4. Peel and grate the apples.
5. Put them into the bowl.
6. Mix egg, milk and melted better in a jug.
7. Add to bowl all at once.
8. Stir with a fork.
9. Almost fill the muffin pans with the butter.
10. Bake in oven for 15to 20 minutes until golden.
11. Serve the muffins warm with butter and jam.
22. Where do you cook the muffins?
a. In stove b. In oven c. In bowl d. In fork
23. How much butter is used?
a. 50 g b. 60 g c. 70 g d. 80 g
24. How long do you bake the muffin?
a. For 12 to 15 c. for 17 to 22
b. For 15 to 20 d. For 19 to 24
25. What do you use to stir?
a. Bowl b. Fork c. Oven d. Mixer
Text 3 for questions 26-29
Prepare a pan and some eggs.
Put some water in the pan.
Put some eggs in the pan.
Turn on the stove.
Put the pan on it.
Wait until the water is boiled.
Wait for 5 minutes.
The boiled eggs are ready.
26. What kind of dish is it based on the instruction?
a. Omellete. c. Sandwich.
b. Boiled eggs. d. Hot dog.
27. Where do you put the pan?
a. On the table c. In the cupboard
b. Near the water d. On the stove
28. “Turn on the stove”
The opposite of the underlined phrase is …
a. Take over c. Switch off
b. Clean up d. Get off
29. How many house hold appliances do we need to prepare the dish?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
Text 4 for questions 30-32
Reload Voucher
1. Scratch the grey area with a coin to find 16 digits voucher number.
2. Dial *900 and follow the instructions or SMS to 555, type TOPUP
3. The amount stated on the voucher will be added to your asia/Wifone/Wimode account.
4. Dial *955/*555 or SMS to 555 and type: Talk time to check your remaining talk Time balance from your phone.
5. Active period 30 days. This could be changed without prior notice. Please Top up before end of active.
Customer Care
Dial *999 from Esia number or Produced by PT Bakrie Telecom TBK. Jakarta
30. The text is meant …
a. To promote the sale of the voucher in the future.
b. To remind customers not load their voucher.
c. To identify problems in reloading the voucher.
d. To tell Esia customers on how to reload the voucher.
31. There are … ways to check the remaining Talk Time balance.
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
32. “This could be changed without prior notice.”
The word “this” in the sentences refers to …
a. The length of active period. c. The price of the voucher.
b. The phone number. d. The activity of dialing.
Text 4 for questions 33-35
Tikka Kebab
Cubes of lamb
Squares of green pepper
Tikka seasoning mixture
1. Cut onions into quarters.
2. Put cubes of lambs, squares of green pepper and onion squares on bamboo skewers and marinate them in Tikka seasoning.
3. Grill them
4. Serve them with salad (curry like seasoning from India)
33. What does the writer write the text for?
a. To inform how to serve a salad.
b. To explain how to make a salad.
c. To tell how to make Tikka kebab
d. To discuss how to make cubes of lamb.
34. How many ingredients are needed to make Tikka Kebab?
a. Three b. Four c. Five d. six
35. What does the word “them” in step 2 refer to?
a. Cubes of lamb and onions.
b. Onion, bamboo skewers, and salad.
c. Squares of green pepper and onions.
d. Cubes of lambs, onions, and squares of green pepper.
Text 5 for questions 22-24
How to save money in a bank
First go to the slip counter
Take a deposit slip
Fill out the deposit slip by writing your account number, the address and the amount of money to be saved
Bring it at the teller window
Endorse by signing at the back
Give the teller the money and wait for her to count and print it in your deposit book
Take the deposit book back
36. The text above is meant to?
a. Give instructions how to save money in a bank
b. Retell the experience of saving money in a bank
c. Give information about the job of a teller
d. Describe how to go to the bank
37. Which is not done when filling out the deposit slip?
a. Put the address
b. Write the account number
c. Wait the teller to count the money
d. Write down the amount of the money
38. “Bring it at the teller window.”
The underlined word refers to?
a. The money
b. The deposit slip
c. The address
d. The account number
Text 6
First open your e-mail program and launch “ a new message window” by clicking on the appropriate icon.
Second Type the name/the email address correctly otherwise the message will return to you. You can also send your email to more than one person by entering multiple addresses.
Third Type the subject of your email/ message.
Fourth Write your message in the “Message window”
Fifth Click on the “send “ icon or select “send” the file menu.
Answer these questions.
1.Which one is the best goal for the above text?
a.Making an email program. b. A window message.
c. How to send email. d. Sending an email is very easy.
2. The statements below are wrong based on the text, except….
a. The text is kind of report. b. there are six steps in the text.
c. we can’t send our email to many recipients at once.
d. the email must be typed before it is send.
3. What is the social function of such text?
a. to tell how something is done in a series of actions.
b. to inform the material for doing something.
c. Describing the tools used in the text.
d. narrating the thing being processed.
4. What does the word “recipient” in the text nearly mean?
a. addressee b. person who send the email.
c. Recipe d. The writer of the email.
5. You have to…before clicking the “send”icon or selecting it from the file menu.
a. open the message program. b. type your name.
c. insert your picture. d. write your message.
Complete the procedure text below with the appropriate words.
First…(6)…the menu, then click messaging icon and open it. Click new message, after that click “type message”, three choices will…(7)…;choose”short message”.Then type the recipent or phone number. Write your message.
….(8)…click “select” and choose send.
6. a. close c. send d. type
7. b. appear c. click d. write
8. a. At least b. Before c. Finally d. After that
9. What does the text tell us?
a. The way to click message.
b. How to send email
c. How to connect recipent.
d. The steps in reading email.
Tour Itinerary
The red Arrow Express runs from Hongkong to London.
Day 1. Monday-Depart London
After a champagne breakfast passengers depart Liverpool street station at 09.40 hours in the morning, traveling, via Harwich to the Hook of Holland. Overnight on the train.
Day 2. Tuesday-Osnabruck/East Germany/ Berlin/ Warsaw
Cross into East Germany, passing Berlin and Warsaw, and then on towards The Soviet Union border overnight on the train.
Day 3. Wednesday- Minsk/ moscow.
The border with the Soviet Union is reached just before night, then the train continuous through South Western Russia, arriving in Moscow at 15.00 hours. Transfer to the hotel.
Day 4. Thursday- Moscow
At leasure in Moscow with a programe of visit to some of Moscow’s museums and exibition.
Day 5. Friday- Moscow/Trans –Siberian Express.
Leave for the station after breakfast, boarding trans Siberian Express in the direction of Novosibersk.
Overnight on the train.
10. Which station does the holiday begin at?
a.Liverpool street b.East Germany
c. Osnabruck d. Harwich
11. When the train leaves London on day 1, What will the travellers have for breakfast?
a. Burger b. Bread c. Champagne d.Fried rice
12. What is the text about?
a. The travel information b. The holiday prices
c. A holiday tour d. A plan of journey
13. Day 5. “Leave for the station after breakfast”. The phrase underlined means…..
a. land up b. arrive at c. go to d. come out
14. How long will the tour last?
a. Three days b.Five days c. Four days d.Six days
15.How will the travelers go?
a. By airplane b. By Ship c. By bus d. By train
• Hard boiled eggs (cooled)
• Paper towels
• Food coloring
• Glass jar
• Vinegar
• Salt
1. Rinse eggs in cold water in cold water and dry it wiyh paper towels. To make the dye, pour half a small bottle of food coloring into a glass jar and add 300 ml of hot water.
2. Add 300 ml vinegar and 15 ml salt. Lower and egg into the jar of dye and leave for a few minutes. Check the color of the eggs regularly.
3. When the eggs has reached the desired color, lift it out and repeat the process with the remaining eggs.
16. What liquid do we need in making colored eggs?
a. salt jar
c. vinegar d. paper towel
17. Food coloring and hot water are needed to make ….
a. rinse eggs b. vinegar
c.paper towel d. dye
18. “Lower and eggs into the jar of dye and leave for a few minutes”.
The underlined word is similar to…..
a. Dip b. crack
b. Water d. peel
19. Which parts of the text do we get the way to make coloring eggs?
a. goal b. steps
c. material c. identification
20. From the text above we get information on….
a. What coloring eggs are
b. How to make coloring eggs
c. Where we can find coloring eggs
d. Which the best coloring eggs.
For questions 1 to 5, fill in the blanks with the suitable words!
I’ll…(1) you how to make apple juice. What you…(2) are 500 grams of apple without peeling them, 100 grams of …(3) sugar, 500 ml of water, and 2 spoon full of lemon. Now how to make it. First, boil the lump sugar and water until the lump sugar is…(4) in the water. Then mix the apple,lemon and the water of lump sugar.Finally…(5) it in a glass with lemon and mint’s leaf accessory.
1. a. make b. tell
c.have d. order
2. a. buy b. peel
c. need d. slice
3. a. lump c. bunch
b.basin d. kilo
4. a.mixed c. stirred
b. dissolved d. washed
5. a. submit c.sell
b. hand in d. serve
Withdrawing cash with an ATM card.
1. Read the directions.
2. Put your card into the slot.
3. Punch in your personal Identification number (PIN).
4. When the choices appear, select “withdrawal from checking.”
5. Enter the amount that you want to withdraw.
6. When your money appears, remove it.
7. When the machine ask if you are finished, press “yes”
8. Take out the receipt.
9. Take your card.
Answer the question!
6. What do you do after you put the card into slot when you want to withdraw money with ATM?
a. Read the direction b.punch in the pin
c. put the card again into the slot d. select the “ withdrawal from the checking”.
7. “When your money appears, remove it” . The word “it” here refers to….
a. The machine we use to withdraw money.
b.The amount of money we withdraw from the ATM.
c. The receipt we get from the machine.
d. The card we get after we insert into the slot.
8. When we have got the money we want to withdraw, What do we get?
a. Our ATM card. b. A new pin
c. “ yes” code from the machine. d. A receipt
9. What is the goal of the text above?
a. How to save money with ATM b. How to operate an ATM
c. How to withdraw money with an ATM card d. How to use the ATM card
10. “ Take your card” From this sentences, we know that the card will….
a. come out automatically
b. fall down from the machine
c. be in the machine all the time
d. pop out after long time.
The basic operation of a digital camera
Follow the steps below to take picture
1. Hold up the camera and center the object in the LCD
2. Move closer or use the zoom control for the result you want
3. When you ready …(1)…the picture, hold the shutter halfway. It is very important, so the camera sets the focus, shutter speed and various other calculation. This may take a few seconds.
4. A light should appear that lets you know the camera is set to go.
5. Press shutter all the way down.
It may be ….(2)…to turn off the LCD and use the view finder when there is extreme sunlight or to conserve battery life. The are from the LCD doesn’t work well with bright light.
1.a. to take b. to handle c. to hold d. to put
2. a. good b. necessary c. right d. bad
Complete the procedure text below with the appropriate words!
1. First,….(3)….the menu
2. Then click messaging icon and open it.
3. Click new message
4. After that click “Type massage” three choices will….(4)…; choose “short message”.
5. Then type the recipient or phone number.
6. …(5)…click “select “ and choose send.
3. A. close b. send c. open d. type
4. A. show b. click c. appear d. write
Senin, 15 Februari 2010
Indirect Speech (also referred to as 'reported speech') refers to a sentence reporting what someone has said. It is almost always used in spoken English.
* If the reporting verb (i.e. said) is in the past, the reported clause will be in a past form. This form is usually one step back into the past from the original.
* If the reporting verb (i.e. said) is in the past, the reported clause will be in a past form. This form is usually one step back into the past from the original.
Kamis, 11 Februari 2010
English Grammar
Stuff in between subjects and verbs
The stuff here is usually a prepositional phrase that separates the subject from the verb. Remember how we crossed out prepositional phrases in order to find the subject? (For a quick review, click here.) Do the same thing if you're having problems with agreement. Now, thinking about that, look at the following sentence and decide what's wrong with it:
The dishes in the kitchen is dirty.
Good guess! The subject and the verb don't agree. What's the probable cause for the problem? Kitchen (a singular noun) is right in front of is (a singular verb). If kitchen were the subject, that would be okay. But, it's not. Cross out the prepositional phrase and you're left with:
The dishes in the kitchen is dirty.
"The dishes . . . is dirty?" Sounds wrong, doesn't it? The subject is plural, but the verb is singular. They don't agree. The correct version is:
The dishes in the kitchen are dirty.
Once you know how to look for this problem, it shouldn't be too hard to get rid of it when you proofread your paper.
Reversed sentence order
The normal pattern for English sentences is subject-verb. However, there are a few situations where this order is reversed (like this sentence):
* There are snacks on the laundry-room table.
* Where are they?
* On the table are the goodies!
See how the subject comes after the verb in each of these? If you can remember how to locate subjects and verbs, you shouldn't blunder into mistakes when writing reversed-order sentences.
"-body," "-one," and "-thing" words
The correct term for these words is indefinite pronouns, but if you remember them as "-body," "-one," and "-thing" words, you'll probably be able to spot them more easily. You only need to know one thing: if a word has one of these endings (like everybody, everyone, anyone, anything, etc.), it is always singular! You can also include each, either, and neither in this group. Look at the following:
1. Everyone is going on a picnic.
2. Each of the boys is taking his own lunch.
3. If anyone drops something to eat, I'll grab it before he can pick it up.
You shouldn't have problems with these if you simply memorize the endings of words that are always singular.
NOTE: We said that either and neither are always singular; however, if you have two subjects in an either . . . or or neither . . . nor construction, getting the agreement right may give you fits. To get it right, just locate the subject closest to the verb and make the verb agree with it:
* Either the mailman or the construction workers are causing Peggy to bark like crazy.
* Neither the dogs down the street nor the one next door pays any attention.
Compare this with the following:
* Either the construction workers or the mailman is causing Peggy to bark like crazy.
* Neither the one next door nor the dogs down the street pay any attention.
Agreement, in this case, depends on the placement of the subject.
"Who," "which," and "that"
Remember dependent clauses? They have a subject and a verb, but they can't stand alone. That's what we're dealing with here, but with a little something extra. Now we've got to consider pronouns. A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun that comes before it, usually in the same clause or one very close to it.
Peggy is a troublemaker. She bites my ears and steals my food.
"Who," "which," and "that" are pronouns. When they take the place of a singular noun, they are singular; when they take the place of a plural noun, they are plural. This is important to remember when they are the subject of a clause. Compare the following sentences:
1. Big Dog is one of those animals who are very intelligent.
2. Big Dog is an animal who is very intelligent.
In both, who is the subject of a dependent clause. In number 1, it takes the place of animals (a plural form). That's why "are" is the correct verb choice. In number 2, who takes the place of animal (a singular form), and that's why "is" is correct.
This may seem a bit confusing at first, but there's a way to get it right every time. If you find "who," "which," or "that" introducing a dependent clause (like in the examples above):
1. Look at the word right in front of it (usually that's the word it takes the place of).
2. Decide if the word is singular or plural (that will tell you whether "who," "which," or "that" is singular or plural).
Subjects and objects
First let's look at case--that is, the difference between the subject and object forms of the pronouns. We know what subjects are, and objects are those words that come at the end of prepositional phrases (among other things). You probably already know the differences, but just in case, here's a list of the forms:
Subject Object
I me
you you
he him
she her
it it
we us
they them
The only thing you need to know is that these forms can't be switched around. If the word is a subject, it must be a subject form; if it's an object . . . well, you get the idea. Consider the following:
* Peggy and me barked at the garbage truck.
* Her and me fought over the bone.
Some of you are probably thinking, "What's wrong with these?" In spoken English, you'll hear things like this every day. But in written English, you need to make sure your forms aren't mixed up. The correct versions are "Peggy and I" and "She and I," since the words are the subject of the sentence. Nothing in the object list can be a subject--ever! You wouldn't say, "Me barked" or "me fought"--unless you were trying out for a Tarzan movie.
The same goes for objects of prepositions. You can't use a subject form in a prepositional phrase.
* Big Dog fetched the paper for her and I.
* Peggy ran after John and she.
"For I"? "After she"? These can't be right, since both are in the subject list; but, they're used as objects of the preposition. The correct versions are "for me" and "after her." You shouldn't have as much trouble with these because you don't hear them misused quite as often in this way. But watch out for "just between you and I." That phrase gets a lot of use--even though "I" can't be an object. It's "just between you and me"!
With "to be" verbs
Now we get to the stuff that will sound odd to you. Remember when we talked about "to be" verb forms? (If you need a quick review, click here for a refresher.) Any time a pronoun comes after one of these verbs, the subject form is required.
* It is I.
* It was they.
* It is he.
I told you this would sound funny--but it's correct! So, all these years you've been saying, "It's me" and "It's them," and you've been wrong. Right or wrong, I can't bring myself to say, "It is I." "It's me" sounds more natural. The best thing to do when you write yourself into a construction like this is to rethink and rewrite in a different way. (If anyone tells you otherwise, just say "it was I" who told you.)
Active and passive constructions
To tell if a construction is active or passive simply look at the subject:
* If the subject is the "doer of the action," the sentence is active.
* If the subject is the "receiver of the action," the sentence is passive.
That's pretty easy. If you do something, you're active; if you have something done to you, you're passive. Compare the examples:
* Peggy ate the bone.
* Big Dog chased the police car.
* We ate every bite of food.
* The bone was eaten by Peggy.
* The police car was chased by Big Dog.
* Every bite of food was eaten by us.
The stuff here is usually a prepositional phrase that separates the subject from the verb. Remember how we crossed out prepositional phrases in order to find the subject? (For a quick review, click here.) Do the same thing if you're having problems with agreement. Now, thinking about that, look at the following sentence and decide what's wrong with it:
The dishes in the kitchen is dirty.
Good guess! The subject and the verb don't agree. What's the probable cause for the problem? Kitchen (a singular noun) is right in front of is (a singular verb). If kitchen were the subject, that would be okay. But, it's not. Cross out the prepositional phrase and you're left with:
The dishes in the kitchen is dirty.
"The dishes . . . is dirty?" Sounds wrong, doesn't it? The subject is plural, but the verb is singular. They don't agree. The correct version is:
The dishes in the kitchen are dirty.
Once you know how to look for this problem, it shouldn't be too hard to get rid of it when you proofread your paper.
Reversed sentence order
The normal pattern for English sentences is subject-verb. However, there are a few situations where this order is reversed (like this sentence):
* There are snacks on the laundry-room table.
* Where are they?
* On the table are the goodies!
See how the subject comes after the verb in each of these? If you can remember how to locate subjects and verbs, you shouldn't blunder into mistakes when writing reversed-order sentences.
"-body," "-one," and "-thing" words
The correct term for these words is indefinite pronouns, but if you remember them as "-body," "-one," and "-thing" words, you'll probably be able to spot them more easily. You only need to know one thing: if a word has one of these endings (like everybody, everyone, anyone, anything, etc.), it is always singular! You can also include each, either, and neither in this group. Look at the following:
1. Everyone is going on a picnic.
2. Each of the boys is taking his own lunch.
3. If anyone drops something to eat, I'll grab it before he can pick it up.
You shouldn't have problems with these if you simply memorize the endings of words that are always singular.
NOTE: We said that either and neither are always singular; however, if you have two subjects in an either . . . or or neither . . . nor construction, getting the agreement right may give you fits. To get it right, just locate the subject closest to the verb and make the verb agree with it:
* Either the mailman or the construction workers are causing Peggy to bark like crazy.
* Neither the dogs down the street nor the one next door pays any attention.
Compare this with the following:
* Either the construction workers or the mailman is causing Peggy to bark like crazy.
* Neither the one next door nor the dogs down the street pay any attention.
Agreement, in this case, depends on the placement of the subject.
"Who," "which," and "that"
Remember dependent clauses? They have a subject and a verb, but they can't stand alone. That's what we're dealing with here, but with a little something extra. Now we've got to consider pronouns. A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun that comes before it, usually in the same clause or one very close to it.
Peggy is a troublemaker. She bites my ears and steals my food.
"Who," "which," and "that" are pronouns. When they take the place of a singular noun, they are singular; when they take the place of a plural noun, they are plural. This is important to remember when they are the subject of a clause. Compare the following sentences:
1. Big Dog is one of those animals who are very intelligent.
2. Big Dog is an animal who is very intelligent.
In both, who is the subject of a dependent clause. In number 1, it takes the place of animals (a plural form). That's why "are" is the correct verb choice. In number 2, who takes the place of animal (a singular form), and that's why "is" is correct.
This may seem a bit confusing at first, but there's a way to get it right every time. If you find "who," "which," or "that" introducing a dependent clause (like in the examples above):
1. Look at the word right in front of it (usually that's the word it takes the place of).
2. Decide if the word is singular or plural (that will tell you whether "who," "which," or "that" is singular or plural).
Subjects and objects
First let's look at case--that is, the difference between the subject and object forms of the pronouns. We know what subjects are, and objects are those words that come at the end of prepositional phrases (among other things). You probably already know the differences, but just in case, here's a list of the forms:
Subject Object
I me
you you
he him
she her
it it
we us
they them
The only thing you need to know is that these forms can't be switched around. If the word is a subject, it must be a subject form; if it's an object . . . well, you get the idea. Consider the following:
* Peggy and me barked at the garbage truck.
* Her and me fought over the bone.
Some of you are probably thinking, "What's wrong with these?" In spoken English, you'll hear things like this every day. But in written English, you need to make sure your forms aren't mixed up. The correct versions are "Peggy and I" and "She and I," since the words are the subject of the sentence. Nothing in the object list can be a subject--ever! You wouldn't say, "Me barked" or "me fought"--unless you were trying out for a Tarzan movie.
The same goes for objects of prepositions. You can't use a subject form in a prepositional phrase.
* Big Dog fetched the paper for her and I.
* Peggy ran after John and she.
"For I"? "After she"? These can't be right, since both are in the subject list; but, they're used as objects of the preposition. The correct versions are "for me" and "after her." You shouldn't have as much trouble with these because you don't hear them misused quite as often in this way. But watch out for "just between you and I." That phrase gets a lot of use--even though "I" can't be an object. It's "just between you and me"!
With "to be" verbs
Now we get to the stuff that will sound odd to you. Remember when we talked about "to be" verb forms? (If you need a quick review, click here for a refresher.) Any time a pronoun comes after one of these verbs, the subject form is required.
* It is I.
* It was they.
* It is he.
I told you this would sound funny--but it's correct! So, all these years you've been saying, "It's me" and "It's them," and you've been wrong. Right or wrong, I can't bring myself to say, "It is I." "It's me" sounds more natural. The best thing to do when you write yourself into a construction like this is to rethink and rewrite in a different way. (If anyone tells you otherwise, just say "it was I" who told you.)
Active and passive constructions
To tell if a construction is active or passive simply look at the subject:
* If the subject is the "doer of the action," the sentence is active.
* If the subject is the "receiver of the action," the sentence is passive.
That's pretty easy. If you do something, you're active; if you have something done to you, you're passive. Compare the examples:
* Peggy ate the bone.
* Big Dog chased the police car.
* We ate every bite of food.
* The bone was eaten by Peggy.
* The police car was chased by Big Dog.
* Every bite of food was eaten by us.
Valentine's Day
Banyak kalangan pasti sudah mengenal hari valentine (bahasa Inggris: Valentine’s Day). Hari tersebut dirayakan sebagai suatu perwujudan cinta kasih seseorang. Perwujudan yang bukan hanya untuk sepasang muda-mudi yang sedang jatuh cinta. Namun, hari tersebut memiliki makna yang lebih luas lagi. Di antaranya kasih sayang antara sesama, pasangan suami-istri, orang tua-anak, kakak-adik dan lainnya. Sehingga valentine’s day biasa disebut pula dengan hari kasih sayang.
Cikal Bakal Hari Valentine
Sebenarnya ada banyak versi yang tersebar berkenaan dengan asal-usul Valentine’s Day. Namun, pada umumnya kebanyakan orang mengetahui tentang peristiwa sejarah yang dimulai ketika dahulu kala bangsa Romawi memperingati suatu hari besar setiap tanggal 15 Februari yang dinamakan Lupercalia. Perayaan Lupercalia adalah rangkaian upacara pensucian di masa Romawi Kuno (13-18 Februari). Dua hari pertama, dipersembahkan untuk dewi cinta (queen of feverish love) Juno Februata. Pada hari ini, para pemuda mengundi nama–nama gadis di dalam kotak. Lalu setiap pemuda mengambil nama secara acak dan gadis yang namanya keluar harus menjadi pasangannya selama setahun untuk senang-senang dan dijadikan obyek hiburan. Pada 15 Februari, mereka meminta perlindungan dewa Lupercalia dari gangguan srigala. Selama upacara ini, kaum muda melecut orang dengan kulit binatang dan wanita berebut untuk dilecut karena anggapan lecutan itu akan membuat mereka menjadi lebih subur.
Ketika agama Kristen Katolik menjadi agama negara di Roma, penguasa Romawi dan para tokoh agama katolik Roma mengadopsi upacara ini dan mewarnainya dengan nuansa Kristiani, antara lain mengganti nama-nama gadis dengan nama-nama Paus atau Pastor. Di antara pendukungnya adalah Kaisar Konstantine dan Paus Gregory I (The Encyclopedia Britannica, sub judul: Christianity). Agar lebih mendekatkan lagi pada ajaran Kristen, pada 496 M Paus Gelasius I menjadikan upacara Romawi Kuno ini menjadi Hari Perayaan Gereja dengan nama Saint Valentine’s Day untuk menghormati St. Valentine yang kebetulan mati pada 14 Februari (The World Book Encyclopedia 1998).
Kaitan Hari Kasih Sayang dengan Valentine
The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol. XV sub judul St. Valentine menuliskan ada 3 nama Valentine yang mati pada 14 Februari, seorang di antaranya dilukiskan sebagai yang mati pada masa Romawi. Namun demikian tidak pernah ada penjelasan siapa “St. Valentine” yang dimaksud, juga dengan kisahnya yang tidak pernah diketahui ujung-pangkalnya karena tiap sumber mengisahkan cerita yang berbeda.
Menurut versi pertama, Kaisar Claudius II memerintahkan menangkap dan memenjarakan St. Valentine karena menyatakan Tuhannya adalah Isa Al-Masih dan menolak menyembah tuhan-tuhan orang Romawi. Orang-orang yang mendambakan doa St.Valentine lalu menulis surat dan menaruhnya di terali penjaranya.
Versi kedua menceritakan bahwa Kaisar Claudius II menganggap tentara muda bujangan lebih tabah dan kuat dalam medan peperangan daripada orang yang menikah. Kaisar lalu melarang para pemuda untuk menikah, namun St.Valentine melanggarnya dan diam-diam menikahkan banyak pemuda sehingga iapun ditangkap dan dihukum gantung pada 14 Februari 269 M (The World Book Encyclopedia, 1998).
Versi lainnya menceritakan bahwa sore hari sebelum Santo Valentinus akan gugur sebagai martir (mati sebagai pahlawan karena memperjuangkan kepercayaan), ia menulis sebuah pernyataan cinta kecil yang diberikannya kepada sipir penjaranya yang tertulis “Dari Valentinusmu”. (Sumber pembahasan di atas: dan lain-lain)
Dari penjelasan di atas dapat kita tarik kesimpulan:
1. Valentine’s Day berasal dari upacara keagamaan Romawi Kuno yang penuh dengan paganisme dan kesyirikan.
2. Upacara Romawi Kuno di atas akhirnya dirubah menjadi hari perayaan gereja dengan nama Saint Valentine’s Day atas inisiatif Paus Gelasius I. Jadi acara valentine menjadi ritual agama Nashrani yang dirubah peringatannya menjadi tanggal 14 Februari, bertepatan dengan matinya St. Valentine.
3. Hari valentine juga adalah hari penghormatan kepada tokoh nashrani yang dianggap sebagai pejuang dan pembela cinta.
4. Pada perkembangannya di zaman modern saat ini, perayaan valentine disamarkan dengan dihiasi nama “hari kasih sayang”.
Sungguh ironis memang kondisi umat Islam saat ini. Sebagian orang mungkin sudah mengetahui kenyataan sejarah di atas. Seolah-olah mereka menutup mata dan menyatakan boleh-boleh saja merayakan hari valentine yang cikal bakal sebenarnya adalah ritual paganisme. Sudah sepatutnya kaum muslimin berpikir, tidak sepantasnya mereka merayakan hari tersebut setelah jelas-jelas nyata bahwa ritual valentine adalah ritual non muslim bahkan bermula dari ritual paganisme.
Selanjutnya kita akan melihat berbagai kerusakan yang ada di hari Valentine.
Kerusakan Pertama: Merayakan Valentine Berarti Meniru-niru Orang Kafir
Agama Islam telah melarang kita meniru-niru orang kafir (baca: tasyabbuh). Larangan ini terdapat dalam berbagai ayat, juga dapat ditemukan dalam beberapa sabda Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam dan hal ini juga merupakan kesepakatan para ulama (baca: ijma’). Inilah yang disebutkan oleh Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah dalam kitab beliau Iqtidho’ Ash Shiroth Al Mustaqim (Ta’liq: Dr. Nashir bin ‘Abdil Karim Al ‘Aql, terbitan Wizarotusy Syu’un Al Islamiyah).
Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam memerintahkan agar kita menyelisihi orang Yahudi dan Nashrani. Beliau shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
إِنَّ الْيَهُودَ وَالنَّصَارَى لاَ يَصْبُغُونَ ، فَخَالِفُوهُمْ
“Sesungguhnya orang Yahudi dan Nashrani tidak mau merubah uban, maka selisihlah mereka.” (HR. Bukhari no. 3462 dan Muslim no. 2103) Hadits ini menunjukkan kepada kita agar menyelisihi orang Yahudi dan Nashrani secara umum dan di antara bentuk menyelisihi mereka adalah dalam masalah uban. (Iqtidho’, 1/185)
Dalam hadits lain, Rasulullah menjelaskan secara umum supaya kita tidak meniru-niru orang kafir. Beliau shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
مَنْ تَشَبَّهَ بِقَوْمٍ فَهُوَ مِنْهُمْ
“Barangsiapa yang menyerupai suatu kaum, maka dia termasuk bagian dari mereka.” (HR. Ahmad dan Abu Dawud. Syaikhul Islam dalam Iqtidho’ [hal. 1/269] mengatakan bahwa sanad hadits ini jayid/bagus. Syaikh Al Albani mengatakan bahwa hadits ini shohih sebagaiman dalam Irwa’ul Gholil no. 1269). Telah jelas di muka bahwa hari Valentine adalah perayaan paganisme, lalu diadopsi menjadi ritual agama Nashrani. Merayakannya berarti telah meniru-niru mereka.
Kerusakan Kedua: Menghadiri Perayaan Orang Kafir Bukan Ciri Orang Beriman
Allah Ta’ala sendiri telah mencirikan sifat orang-orang beriman. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang tidak menghadiri ritual atau perayaan orang-orang musyrik dan ini berarti tidak boleh umat Islam merayakan perayaan agama lain semacam valentine. Semoga ayat berikut bisa menjadi renungan bagi kita semua.
Allah Ta’ala berfirman,
وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَشْهَدُونَ الزُّورَ وَإِذَا مَرُّوا بِاللَّغْوِ مَرُّوا كِرَامًا
“Dan orang-orang yang tidak menyaksikan perbuatan zur, dan apabila mereka bertemu dengan (orang-orang) yang mengerjakan perbuatan-perbuatan yang tidak berfaedah, mereka lalui (saja) dengan menjaga kehormatan dirinya.” (QS. Al Furqon [25]: 72)
Ibnul Jauziy dalam Zaadul Masir mengatakan bahwa ada 8 pendapat mengenai makna kalimat “tidak menyaksikan perbuatan zur”, pendapat yang ada ini tidaklah saling bertentangan karena pendapat-pendapat tersebut hanya menyampaikan macam-macam perbuatan zur. Di antara pendapat yang ada mengatakan bahwa “tidak menyaksikan perbuatan zur” adalah tidak menghadiri perayaan orang musyrik. Inilah yang dikatakan oleh Ar Robi’ bin Anas.
Jadi, ayat di atas adalah pujian untuk orang yang tidak menghadiri perayaan orang musyrik. Jika tidak menghadiri perayaan tersebut adalah suatu hal yang terpuji, maka ini berarti melakukan perayaan tersebut adalah perbuatan yang sangat tercela dan termasuk ‘aib (Lihat Iqtidho’, 1/483). Jadi, merayakan Valentine’s Day bukanlah ciri orang beriman karena jelas-jelas hari tersebut bukanlah hari raya umat Islam.
Kerusakan Ketiga: Mengagungkan Sang Pejuang Cinta Akan Berkumpul Bersamanya di Hari Kiamat Nanti
Jika orang mencintai Allah dan Rasul-Nya, maka dia akan mendapatkan keutamaan berikut ini.
Dari Anas bin Malik, beliau mengatakan bahwa seseorang bertanya pada Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam,
مَتَّى السَّاعَةُ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ
“Kapan terjadi hari kiamat, wahai Rasulullah?”
Beliau shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam berkata,
مَا أَعْدَدْتَ لَهَا
“Apa yang telah engkau persiapkan untuk menghadapinya?”
Orang tersebut menjawab,
مَا أَعْدَدْتُ لَهَا مِنْ كَثِيرِ صَلاَةٍ وَلاَ صَوْمٍ وَلاَ صَدَقَةٍ ، وَلَكِنِّى أُحِبُّ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ
“Aku tidaklah mempersiapkan untuk menghadapi hari tersebut dengan banyak shalat, banyak puasa dan banyak sedekah. Tetapi yang aku persiapkan adalah cinta Allah dan Rasul-Nya.”
Beliau shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam berkata,
أَنْتَ مَعَ مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ
“(Kalau begitu) engkau akan bersama dengan orang yang engkau cintai.” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)
Dalam riwayat lain di Shohih Bukhari, Anas mengatakan,
فَمَا فَرِحْنَا بِشَىْءٍ فَرَحَنَا بِقَوْلِ النَّبِىِّ – صلى الله عليه وسلم – « أَنْتَ مَعَ مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ » . قَالَ أَنَسٌ فَأَنَا أُحِبُّ النَّبِىَّ – صلى الله عليه وسلم – وَأَبَا بَكْرٍ وَعُمَرَ ، وَأَرْجُو أَنْ أَكُونَ مَعَهُمْ بِحُبِّى إِيَّاهُمْ ، وَإِنْ لَمْ أَعْمَلْ بِمِثْلِ أَعْمَالِهِمْ
“Kami tidaklah pernah merasa gembira sebagaimana rasa gembira kami ketika mendengar sabda Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam: Anta ma’a man ahbabta (Engkau akan bersama dengan orang yang engkau cintai).”
Anas pun mengatakan,
فَأَنَا أُحِبُّ النَّبِىَّ – صلى الله عليه وسلم – وَأَبَا بَكْرٍ وَعُمَرَ ، وَأَرْجُو أَنْ أَكُونَ مَعَهُمْ بِحُبِّى إِيَّاهُمْ ، وَإِنْ لَمْ أَعْمَلْ بِمِثْلِ أَعْمَالِهِمْ
“Kalau begitu aku mencintai Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, Abu Bakar, dan ‘Umar. Aku berharap bisa bersama dengan mereka karena kecintaanku pada mereka, walaupun aku tidak bisa beramal seperti amalan mereka.”
Bandingkan, bagaimana jika yang dicintai dan diagungkan adalah seorang tokoh Nashrani yang dianggap sebagai pembela dan pejuang cinta di saat raja melarang menikahkan para pemuda. Valentine-lah sebagai pahlawan dan pejuang ketika itu. Lihatlah sabda Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam di atas: “Kalau begitu engkau bersama dengan orang yang engkau cintai”. Jika Anda seorang muslim, manakah yang Anda pilih, dikumpulkan bersama orang-orang sholeh ataukah bersama tokoh Nashrani yang jelas-jelas kafir?
Siapa yang mau dikumpulkan di hari kiamat bersama dengan orang-orang kafir[?] Semoga menjadi bahan renungan bagi Anda, wahai para pengagum Valentine!
Kerusakan Keempat: Ucapan Selamat Berakibat Terjerumus Dalam Kesyirikan dan Maksiat
“Valentine” sebenarnya berasal dari bahasa Latin yang berarti: “Yang Maha Perkasa, Yang Maha Kuat dan Yang Maha Kuasa”. Kata ini ditujukan kepada Nimrod dan Lupercus, tuhan orang Romawi. (Dari berbagai sumber)
Oleh karena itu disadari atau tidak, jika kita meminta orang menjadi “To be my valentine (Jadilah valentineku)”, berarti sama dengan kita meminta orang menjadi “Sang Maha Kuasa”. Jelas perbuatan ini merupakan kesyirikan yang besar, menyamakan makhluk dengan Sang Khalik, menghidupkan budaya pemujaan kepada berhala.
Kami pun telah kemukakan di awal bahwa hari valentine jelas-jelas adalah perayaan nashrani, bahkan semula adalah ritual paganisme. Oleh karena itu, mengucapkan selamat hari kasih sayang atau ucapan selamat dalam hari raya orang kafir lainnya adalah sesuatu yang diharamkan berdasarkan kesepakatan para ulama (baca: ijma’ kaum muslimin), sebagaimana hal ini dikemukakan oleh Ibnul Qoyyim rahimahullah dalam kitabnya Ahkamu Ahlidz Dzimmah (1/441, Asy Syamilah). Beliau rahimahullah mengatakan, “Adapun memberi ucapan selamat pada syi’ar-syi’ar kekufuran yang khusus bagi orang-orang kafir (seperti mengucapkan selamat natal atau selamat hari valentine, pen) adalah sesuatu yang diharamkan berdasarkan ijma’ (kesepakatan) kaum muslimin. Contohnya adalah memberi ucapan selamat pada hari raya dan puasa mereka seperti mengatakan, ‘Semoga hari ini adalah hari yang berkah bagimu’, atau dengan ucapan selamat pada hari besar mereka dan semacamnya. Kalau memang orang yang mengucapkan hal ini bisa selamat dari kekafiran, namun dia tidak akan lolos dari perkara yang diharamkan. Ucapan selamat hari raya seperti ini pada mereka sama saja dengan kita mengucapkan selamat atas sujud yang mereka lakukan pada salib, bahkan perbuatan seperti ini lebih besar dosanya di sisi Allah. Ucapan selamat semacam ini lebih dibenci oleh Allah dibanding seseorang memberi ucapan selamat pada orang yang minum minuman keras, membunuh jiwa, berzina, atau ucapan selamat pada maksiat lainnya.”
Kerusakan Kelima: Hari Kasih Sayang Menjadi Hari Semangat Berzina
Perayaan Valentine’s Day di masa sekarang ini mengalami pergeseran. Kalau di masa Romawi, sangat terkait erat dengan dunia para dewa dan mitologi sesat, kemudian di masa Kristen dijadikan bagian dari simbol perayaan hari agama, maka di masa sekarang ini identik dengan pergaulan bebas muda-mudi. Mulai dari yang paling sederhana seperti pesta, kencan, bertukar hadiah hingga penghalalan praktek zina secara legal. Semua dengan mengatasnamakan semangat cinta kasih.
Dalam semangat hari Valentine itu, ada semacam kepercayaan bahwa melakukan maksiat dan larangan-larangan agama seperti berpacaran, bergandeng tangan, berpelukan, berciuman, bahkan hubungan seksual di luar nikah di kalangan sesama remaja itu menjadi boleh. Alasannya, semua itu adalah ungkapan rasa kasih sayang. Na’udzu billah min dzalik.
Padahal mendekati zina saja haram, apalagi melakukannya. Allah Ta’ala berfirman,
وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا الزِّنَا إِنَّهُ كَانَ فَاحِشَةً وَسَاءَ سَبِيلًا
“Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina; sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji. Dan suatu jalan yang buruk.” (QS. Al Isro’ [17]: 32)
Dalam Tafsir Jalalain dikatakan bahwa larangan dalam ayat ini lebih keras daripada perkataan ‘Janganlah melakukannya’. Artinya bahwa jika kita mendekati zina saja tidak boleh, apalagi sampai melakukan zina, jelas-jelas lebih terlarang.
Kerusakan Keenam: Meniru Perbuatan Setan
Menjelang hari Valentine-lah berbagai ragam coklat, bunga, hadiah, kado dan souvenir laku keras. Berapa banyak duit yang dihambur-hamburkan ketika itu. Padahal sebenarnya harta tersebut masih bisa dibelanjakan untuk keperluan lain yang lebih bermanfaat atau malah bisa disedekahkan pada orang yang membutuhkan agar berbuah pahala. Namun, hawa nafsu berkehendak lain. Perbuatan setan lebih senang untuk diikuti daripada hal lainnya. Itulah pemborosan yang dilakukan ketika itu mungkin bisa bermilyar-milyar rupiah dihabiskan ketika itu oleh seluruh penduduk Indonesia, hanya demi merayakan hari Valentine. Tidakkah mereka memperhatikan firman Allah,
وَلا تُبَذِّرْ تَبْذِيرًا إِنَّ الْمُبَذِّرِينَ كَانُوا إِخْوَانَ الشَّيَاطِينِ
“Dan janganlah kamu menghambur-hamburkan (hartamu) secara boros. Sesungguhnya pemboros-pemboros itu adalah saudara-saudara syaitan.” (QS. Al Isro’ [17]: 26-27). Maksudnya adalah mereka menyerupai setan dalam hal ini. Ibnu Mas’ud dan Ibnu ‘Abbas mengatakan, “Tabdzir (pemborosan) adalah menginfakkan sesuatu pada jalan yang keliru.” (Lihat Tafsir Al Qur’an Al ‘Azhim)
Itulah sebagian kerusakan yang ada di hari valentine, mulai dari paganisme, kesyirikan, ritual Nashrani, perzinaan dan pemborosan. Sebenarnya, cinta dan kasih sayang yang diagung-agungkan di hari tersebut adalah sesuatu yang semu yang akan merusak akhlak dan norma-norma agama. Perlu diketahui pula bahwa Valentine’s Day bukan hanya diingkari oleh pemuka Islam melainkan juga oleh agama lainnya. Sebagaimana berita yang kami peroleh dari internet bahwa hari Valentine juga diingkari di India yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Hindu. Alasannya, karena hari valentine dapat merusak tatanan nilai dan norma kehidupan bermasyarakat. Kami katakan: “Hanya orang yang tertutup hatinya dan mempertuhankan hawa nafsu saja yang enggan menerima kebenaran.”
Oleh karena itu, kami ingatkan agar kaum muslimin tidak ikut-ikutan merayakan hari Valentine, tidak boleh mengucapkan selamat hari Valentine, juga tidak boleh membantu menyemarakkan acara ini dengan jual beli, mengirim kartu, mencetak, dan mensponsori acara tersebut karena ini termasuk tolong menolong dalam dosa dan kemaksiatan. Ingatlah, Setiap orang haruslah takut pada kemurkaan Allah Ta’ala. Semoga tulisan ini dapat tersebar pada kaum muslimin yang lainnya yang belum mengetahui. Semoga Allah memberi taufik dan hidayah kepada kita semua.
Alhamdulillahilladzi bi ni’matihi tatimmush sholihaat. Wa shollallahu ‘ala nabiyyina Muhammad wa ‘ala alihi wa shohbihi wa sallam.
Penulis: Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal
Soal Remedial Kelas IX
1. What does the notice above mean?
a. Do not keep the children.
b. Do not give to the children.
c. Do not play with the children.
d. Do not pay attention to the children
Read the label and answer questions 2 to 5.
Dietary Supplement
600 mg 100 Soft gels
Supplement Facts
Serving size : 1 soft gel
Amount per 1 soft gel % Daily Value*
Vitamin D 200 IU 50
Calcium (from milk) 600 mg 60
Zinc 15 mg *
*Daily value has not been established
Other ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified Water
Directions: As a dietary supplement, take one soft gel for adults daily.
Manufactured for: EXP 04 27 10
Walnut, CA 91789
Made in U.S.A.
2. You can find this label in ….
a. electronic box. c. drink.
b. medicine. d. food.
3. When will the milk calcium expire?
a. April 27th , 2010.
b. April 4th, 2010.
c. November 27th, 2004.
d. November 22th, 2004.
4. The statements below are TRUE, except ….
a. Milk calcium is manufactured in NU-HEALTH PRODUCTS CO.
b. Milk calcium is a dietary supplement.
c. Milk calcium is served one a day.
d. Milk calcium is made in U.S.A.
5. “Daily value has not been established.” (Line 10)What is the meaning of the underlined word?
a. Ordered. c. Carried.
b. Created. d. Helped.
is allowed in the aircraft cabin
at any time in the terminal building
6. Where can you find the notice above?
a. In any terminal buildings
b. In railway station
c. In bus station
d. In airport
7. The notice above means … .
a. we must be careful of pickpocket
b. it’s allowed to take more than one luggage
c. we must take a luggage in terminal building
d. it’s allowed to leave baggage in terminal building
The night we met I felt so good
The stars fell from heaven
The moon shined so bright
I never thought it could
But then the owls hooted
The coyotes barked
I wished it was day
My mind was polluted
The rain came pouring
The moon eclipsed
The night was blackened
By this single doing
I felt lost
I felt scared
But then morning came
And it was all just a dream
8. “The stars fell from heaven.” (Line 2)
What does it mean?
a. The stars look beautiful.
b. The stars runaway from heaven.
c. Heaven is unreachable for stars.
d. Heaven is so empty without stars.
9. How many animals are mentioned in the poem?
a. 4 c. 2
b. 3 d. 1
10. “I felt scared” (Line 14)
What is the synonym of “scared”?
a. happy. c. brave.
b. afraid. d. sad.
11. “The moon shined so bright.” (Line 3)
What is the antonym of “bright”?
a. colorful. c. strong.
b. brilliant. d. dark.
This text is for questions 12 to 16.
The Cat and the Fox
Once a Cat and a Fox were traveling together. As they went along, picking up provisions on the way -- a stray mouse here, a fat chicken there -- they began an argument to while away the time between bites. And, as usually happens when comrades argue, the talk began to get personal.
"You think you are extremely clever, don't you?" said the Fox. "Do you pretend to know more than I? Why, I know a whole sack full of tricks!"
"Well," retorted the Cat, "I admit I know one trick only, but that one, let me tell you, is worth a thousand of yours!"
Just then, close by, they heard a hunter's horn and the yelping of a pack of hounds. In an instant the Cat was up a tree, hiding among the leaves.
"This is my trick," he called to the Fox. "Now let me see what yours are worth."
But the Fox had so many plans for escape he could not decide which one to try first. He dodged here and there with the hounds at his heels. He doubled on his tracks, he ran at top speed, he entered a dozen burrows, but all in vain. The hounds caught him, and soon put an end to the boaster and all his tricks.
12. Why did the fox think that he was extremely clever?
a. The fox got more provisions than the cat did.
b. The fox knew a whole sack full of tricks.
c. The cat pretended to be clever.
d. The cat’s trick was not worth.
13. What kind of text is the text above?
a. fable. c. folk tales.
b. legend. d. fairy tales.
14. “As they went along, picking … between bites.”
(Line 1 )
“They” refers to ….
a. cat and fox. c. chicken and fox.
b. cat and mouse. d. chicken and mouse
15. The communicative purpose of the text is to ….
a. provide factual information.
b. explain about animals’ life.
c. present two pints of view.
d. entertain the reader.
16. What is the moral of the story?
a. Too much attention to danger may cause us to fall victims to it.
b. Common sense is always worth more than cunning is.
c. Too much snobbery will kill you.
d. The sixth sense is needed in life.
Read the text and answer questions 17 to 21.
Different Types of Sea Mammals
Seals, sea lions and walruses live both on land and in the sea. When on dry land or on ice, they are very clumsy in their movements. But in the water they swim gracefully. They all leave the water for land or ice fields to give birth to their young.
The dolphins and the sea cows are sea mammals. Dolphins and porpoises look alike but usually the dolphins are larger. These animals are mainly fish eaters. Experiments show that dolphins are intelligent and can communicate with each other. They can be trained to perform various kinds of tricks and acts.
The highly intelligent killer whale belongs to the dolphin family. Despite of its scary name, it has never been heard to attack human.
17 . The text above is in the form of ….
a. report. c. narrative.
b. recount. d. procedure.
18. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
a. Killer whale doesn’t move gracefully.
b. Killer whale swims faster than dolphins.
c. Killer whale can communicate each other.
d. Killer whale, intelligent sea mammal, never attack human.
19. “When on … in their movements.”
What does the underlined word refer to?
a. Whales and porpoises.
b. Dolphins and sea cows.
c. Sea mammals and walruses.
d. Seals, sea lions, and walruses.
20. The text mainly tells us about ….
a. attitude of sea mammals.
b. behavior of sea mammals.
c. different size of sea mammals.
d. different kinds of sea mammals.
21. Why are the dolphins considered to be intelligent
sea mammals?
a. They are fish eaters.
b. They never attach human.
c. They go to land to give a birth.
d. They can be trained to perform tricks and acts.
This text is for questions 22 to 26.
7th April, 2005
Today, we have a new member in our family. It has soft white fur and likes to lick its paws. It is also very curious and likes to explore its new surrounding. It seems to like milk and fish a lot and waits eagerly as we prepare its meal. Yes! It is our new cat!
Father saw it purring by the side of the road just now, and decided to bring it home. Now, it has become our family cat. I love it very much and named it Ginger. Ginger seems to like me a lot too and follows wherever I go. I like to tickle its belly and it will always purr in satisfaction.
Father promised he will buy a cushion for Ginger to sleep on the next day. But tonight, it will share the bed with me.
22. What is the generic structure of the text?
a. Orientation, complication, and resolution.
b. Thesis, complications, and reorientation.
c. Orientation, events, and reorientation.
d. Events, orientation, and reorientation.
23. What did the writer’s father promise to do?
a. Buying a cushion.
b. Giving a name to the cat.
c. Sharing the bed with the cat.
d. Following the cat wherever it goes.
24. What does the cat feed on?
a. Milk and water. c. Milk and meat.
b. Water and fish. d. Milk and fish.
25. The writer likes to tickle the cat’s belly.
Tickle means ….
a. touch lightly to cause purr.
b. push to make it go away.
c. touch to make it laugh.
d. touch to give support.
26. The text is written in the form of a ….
a. diary c. letter
b. story d. report
Read the text and answer questions 27 to 31.
The durian is the fruit of trees of the genus Durio belonging to the Malvaceae, a large family which includes hibiscus, okra, cotton, mallows and linden trees. Widely known and revered in Southeast Asia as the "King of Fruits” the fruit is distinctive for its large size, unique odor, and a formidable thorn-covered husk. The fruit can grow up to 30 centimeters (12 in) long and 15 centimeters (6 in) in diameter, and typically weighs one to three kilograms (2 to 7 lb). Its shape ranges from oblong to round, the color of its husk green to brown and its flesh pale-yellow to red, depending on species. The hard outer husk is covered with sharp, prickly thorns, while the edible flesh within emits the distinctive odor, which is regarded as either fragrant or overpowering and offensive. The odor of the ripe fruit is very strong and penetrating, even when the husk of the fruit is still intact.
The flesh of the durian, famously described by the British naturalist Alfred Russell Wallace as "a rich custard highly flavored with almonds", can be consumed at various stages of ripeness, and is used to flavor a wide variety of edibles, both savory and sweet.
Durians from different species or clones can have significantly different aromas; for example, red durian has a deep caramel flavor with a turpentine odor, while red-fleshed durian emits a fragrance of roasted almonds. The degree of ripeness has a great effect on the flavor as well. Three scientific analyses of the composition of durian aroma — from 1972, 1980, and 1995 — each found a different mix of volatile compounds, including esters, ketones and many different organosulfur compounds, with no agreement on which may be primarily responsible for the distinctive odor.
27. What are the distinctive features of durian?
a. The size, the odor, and the husk.
b. The unforgettable flavor.
c. The degree of ripeness.
d. The prickly thorns.
28. According to the text, the following statements
are TRUE, except ….
a. the odor of the ripe fruit is enjoyable.
b. a deep caramel is one of the durian’s flavor.
c. the hard outer husk is covered with sharp
d. durian revered in Southeast Asia as “King of Fruits”.
29. One of the aromas of durian is ….
a. hot caramel. c. sweet chocolate.
b. unidentified. d. roasted almonds.
30. The above text is in the form of ….
a. recount. c. procedure.
b. narrative. d. descriptive.
31. “The degree of … the flavor as well.” (Paragraph 3 line 3)
What is the meaning of ‘flavor’?
a. Taste and smell of food.
b. Sharp unpleasant taste.
c. Strong taste of a meal.
d. Taste of sugar.
Read this text and answer questions 32 to 34
How to Show Condensation
Materials needed
A transparent drinking glass
Some ice cubes
Step 1: fill the glass three-quarter full with water
Step 2: add the ice cubes to the water until the water level is so close to the top.
Step 3: leave the glass until water droplets from the outside of the glass.
The water droplets on the outside of the glass come from the air.
As the air outside the glass cools, the water vapor in the air condenses and water droplets are formed.
32. “How to show condensation” (Line 2)
What does the underlined word mean?
a. The act of changing something into a liquid.
b. The process of heating something into liquid.
c. Cause something to bubble and change into steam.
d. Cause something to change into vapor and disappear.
33. “ A transparent drinking glass” (Line 4)
The underlined word means ….
a. can be seen through something
b. can be soften with something
c. have a high temperature
d. not in the form of a gas
34. “Add the ice cubes to the water until the water level is so close to the top.” (Line 8)
The meaning of ‘cubes’ is ….
a. solid body having six equal square sides
b. deep round container for liquid
c. stiff container for holding solid
d. tight thing to hold an ice
This text is for number 35 to 37.
Jenny went to the circus with Edison and Shawn. First, they saw the seals perform. The seals balanced themselves on tires and rolled round the ring. A seal on a stool balanced an umbrella on its nose. After that, the trainer feed them with fish.
The next item was the knife-throwing act. Jenny was afraid to watch it, so she covered her eyes with her hand. Not long after, it was the lion’s act. It was the most exciting performance. The lions jumped through the burning hoops. Everyone held their breath when the lion trainer put his head into the lion’s mouth.
Finally, it was the clown’s act. Jenny and her brothers liked the clown’s act best. They look funny with their painted faces and baggy costumes. One of them swung a pail at Jenny. She screamed! Scraps of paper flew out the pail and the audience laughed.
At the end of the show, everyone clapped loudly.
35. “Jenny went to the circus with Edison and
Shawn.” (Line 1)
The meaning of ‘circus’ is ….
a. show off performing animals, acrobats, etc in a large tent
b. space or passage inside the entrance of the house
c. act, play, or sing to an audience
d. person or thing of the best kind
36. “The lions jumped through the burning hoops.”
(Paragraph 2 line 3) What is ‘hoops’?
a. Cover of the head.
b. Curved piece of metal.
c. Hard bony part of a thing.
d. Circular band of wood or metal.
37. “They looked … and baggy costumes.” (Paragraph 3 line 2)
‘Baggy’ is ….
a. hold tightly c. hanging loosely
b. fitting closely d. fastening firmly
38. Reach – keep – of – out – children – of
1 2 3 4 5 6
The best arrangement of these words is ….
a. 2-4-6-1-3-5 c. 4-6-2-5-3-1
b. 2-4-6-5-3-1 d. 6-2-3-41-5
39. Arrange these words below into a good sentence.
Stadium – base – Manchester – Old – the – United
1 2 3 4 5 6
– Trafford – is – of
7 8 9
a. 4-7-1-5-8-2-9-3-6 c. 5-4-7-1-8-9-3-6-2
b. 4-7-1-8-5-2-9-3-6 d. 5-4-7-1-8-2-3-6-9
40. Read the sentences below. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph.
1 These violent storms are often a hundred miles in diameter, and their wind can reach velocities of seventy-five miles per hour or more.
2 The energy that is released by a hurricane in one day exceeds the total energy consumed by the humankind through out the world in one year.
3 Hurricanes exert tremendous power.
4 Furthermore, the strong wind and heavy rain fall that accompany them can completely destroy a small town in a couple of hours.
5 They can also be called cyclones.
a. 1-2-3-4-5
b. 3-5-1-4-2
c. 3-5-1-2-4
d. 5-4-3-2-1
41. Read the sentences below. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph.
World Population Growth
1 It took more than 1,800 years for the population to reach one billion.
2 The United Nations has projected an increase to more than six billion by the year 2000.
3 According to the United Nations chart of world population growth, the world’s population suddenly multiplied in the nineteenth and twentieth century.
4 By 1975, when it reached four billions, it had doubled again in less than fifty years.
5 The world’s population has been increasing dramatically.
6 At the beginning of the Christian era, the estimated world population was 200 to 300 million.
7 Then in less than one hundred years, the figure doubled to two billions by 1930.
a. 5-3-6-1-7-4-2
b. 5-3-6-1-7-2-4
c. 5-3-6-7-1-2-4
d. 5-3-6-7-1-4-2
1. What does the notice above mean?
a. Do not keep the children.
b. Do not give to the children.
c. Do not play with the children.
d. Do not pay attention to the children
Read the label and answer questions 2 to 5.
Dietary Supplement
600 mg 100 Soft gels
Supplement Facts
Serving size : 1 soft gel
Amount per 1 soft gel % Daily Value*
Vitamin D 200 IU 50
Calcium (from milk) 600 mg 60
Zinc 15 mg *
*Daily value has not been established
Other ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified Water
Directions: As a dietary supplement, take one soft gel for adults daily.
Manufactured for: EXP 04 27 10
Walnut, CA 91789
Made in U.S.A.
2. You can find this label in ….
a. electronic box. c. drink.
b. medicine. d. food.
3. When will the milk calcium expire?
a. April 27th , 2010.
b. April 4th, 2010.
c. November 27th, 2004.
d. November 22th, 2004.
4. The statements below are TRUE, except ….
a. Milk calcium is manufactured in NU-HEALTH PRODUCTS CO.
b. Milk calcium is a dietary supplement.
c. Milk calcium is served one a day.
d. Milk calcium is made in U.S.A.
5. “Daily value has not been established.” (Line 10)What is the meaning of the underlined word?
a. Ordered. c. Carried.
b. Created. d. Helped.
is allowed in the aircraft cabin
at any time in the terminal building
6. Where can you find the notice above?
a. In any terminal buildings
b. In railway station
c. In bus station
d. In airport
7. The notice above means … .
a. we must be careful of pickpocket
b. it’s allowed to take more than one luggage
c. we must take a luggage in terminal building
d. it’s allowed to leave baggage in terminal building
The night we met I felt so good
The stars fell from heaven
The moon shined so bright
I never thought it could
But then the owls hooted
The coyotes barked
I wished it was day
My mind was polluted
The rain came pouring
The moon eclipsed
The night was blackened
By this single doing
I felt lost
I felt scared
But then morning came
And it was all just a dream
8. “The stars fell from heaven.” (Line 2)
What does it mean?
a. The stars look beautiful.
b. The stars runaway from heaven.
c. Heaven is unreachable for stars.
d. Heaven is so empty without stars.
9. How many animals are mentioned in the poem?
a. 4 c. 2
b. 3 d. 1
10. “I felt scared” (Line 14)
What is the synonym of “scared”?
a. happy. c. brave.
b. afraid. d. sad.
11. “The moon shined so bright.” (Line 3)
What is the antonym of “bright”?
a. colorful. c. strong.
b. brilliant. d. dark.
This text is for questions 12 to 16.
The Cat and the Fox
Once a Cat and a Fox were traveling together. As they went along, picking up provisions on the way -- a stray mouse here, a fat chicken there -- they began an argument to while away the time between bites. And, as usually happens when comrades argue, the talk began to get personal.
"You think you are extremely clever, don't you?" said the Fox. "Do you pretend to know more than I? Why, I know a whole sack full of tricks!"
"Well," retorted the Cat, "I admit I know one trick only, but that one, let me tell you, is worth a thousand of yours!"
Just then, close by, they heard a hunter's horn and the yelping of a pack of hounds. In an instant the Cat was up a tree, hiding among the leaves.
"This is my trick," he called to the Fox. "Now let me see what yours are worth."
But the Fox had so many plans for escape he could not decide which one to try first. He dodged here and there with the hounds at his heels. He doubled on his tracks, he ran at top speed, he entered a dozen burrows, but all in vain. The hounds caught him, and soon put an end to the boaster and all his tricks.
12. Why did the fox think that he was extremely clever?
a. The fox got more provisions than the cat did.
b. The fox knew a whole sack full of tricks.
c. The cat pretended to be clever.
d. The cat’s trick was not worth.
13. What kind of text is the text above?
a. fable. c. folk tales.
b. legend. d. fairy tales.
14. “As they went along, picking … between bites.”
(Line 1 )
“They” refers to ….
a. cat and fox. c. chicken and fox.
b. cat and mouse. d. chicken and mouse
15. The communicative purpose of the text is to ….
a. provide factual information.
b. explain about animals’ life.
c. present two pints of view.
d. entertain the reader.
16. What is the moral of the story?
a. Too much attention to danger may cause us to fall victims to it.
b. Common sense is always worth more than cunning is.
c. Too much snobbery will kill you.
d. The sixth sense is needed in life.
Read the text and answer questions 17 to 21.
Different Types of Sea Mammals
Seals, sea lions and walruses live both on land and in the sea. When on dry land or on ice, they are very clumsy in their movements. But in the water they swim gracefully. They all leave the water for land or ice fields to give birth to their young.
The dolphins and the sea cows are sea mammals. Dolphins and porpoises look alike but usually the dolphins are larger. These animals are mainly fish eaters. Experiments show that dolphins are intelligent and can communicate with each other. They can be trained to perform various kinds of tricks and acts.
The highly intelligent killer whale belongs to the dolphin family. Despite of its scary name, it has never been heard to attack human.
17 . The text above is in the form of ….
a. report. c. narrative.
b. recount. d. procedure.
18. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
a. Killer whale doesn’t move gracefully.
b. Killer whale swims faster than dolphins.
c. Killer whale can communicate each other.
d. Killer whale, intelligent sea mammal, never attack human.
19. “When on … in their movements.”
What does the underlined word refer to?
a. Whales and porpoises.
b. Dolphins and sea cows.
c. Sea mammals and walruses.
d. Seals, sea lions, and walruses.
20. The text mainly tells us about ….
a. attitude of sea mammals.
b. behavior of sea mammals.
c. different size of sea mammals.
d. different kinds of sea mammals.
21. Why are the dolphins considered to be intelligent
sea mammals?
a. They are fish eaters.
b. They never attach human.
c. They go to land to give a birth.
d. They can be trained to perform tricks and acts.
This text is for questions 22 to 26.
7th April, 2005
Today, we have a new member in our family. It has soft white fur and likes to lick its paws. It is also very curious and likes to explore its new surrounding. It seems to like milk and fish a lot and waits eagerly as we prepare its meal. Yes! It is our new cat!
Father saw it purring by the side of the road just now, and decided to bring it home. Now, it has become our family cat. I love it very much and named it Ginger. Ginger seems to like me a lot too and follows wherever I go. I like to tickle its belly and it will always purr in satisfaction.
Father promised he will buy a cushion for Ginger to sleep on the next day. But tonight, it will share the bed with me.
22. What is the generic structure of the text?
a. Orientation, complication, and resolution.
b. Thesis, complications, and reorientation.
c. Orientation, events, and reorientation.
d. Events, orientation, and reorientation.
23. What did the writer’s father promise to do?
a. Buying a cushion.
b. Giving a name to the cat.
c. Sharing the bed with the cat.
d. Following the cat wherever it goes.
24. What does the cat feed on?
a. Milk and water. c. Milk and meat.
b. Water and fish. d. Milk and fish.
25. The writer likes to tickle the cat’s belly.
Tickle means ….
a. touch lightly to cause purr.
b. push to make it go away.
c. touch to make it laugh.
d. touch to give support.
26. The text is written in the form of a ….
a. diary c. letter
b. story d. report
Read the text and answer questions 27 to 31.
The durian is the fruit of trees of the genus Durio belonging to the Malvaceae, a large family which includes hibiscus, okra, cotton, mallows and linden trees. Widely known and revered in Southeast Asia as the "King of Fruits” the fruit is distinctive for its large size, unique odor, and a formidable thorn-covered husk. The fruit can grow up to 30 centimeters (12 in) long and 15 centimeters (6 in) in diameter, and typically weighs one to three kilograms (2 to 7 lb). Its shape ranges from oblong to round, the color of its husk green to brown and its flesh pale-yellow to red, depending on species. The hard outer husk is covered with sharp, prickly thorns, while the edible flesh within emits the distinctive odor, which is regarded as either fragrant or overpowering and offensive. The odor of the ripe fruit is very strong and penetrating, even when the husk of the fruit is still intact.
The flesh of the durian, famously described by the British naturalist Alfred Russell Wallace as "a rich custard highly flavored with almonds", can be consumed at various stages of ripeness, and is used to flavor a wide variety of edibles, both savory and sweet.
Durians from different species or clones can have significantly different aromas; for example, red durian has a deep caramel flavor with a turpentine odor, while red-fleshed durian emits a fragrance of roasted almonds. The degree of ripeness has a great effect on the flavor as well. Three scientific analyses of the composition of durian aroma — from 1972, 1980, and 1995 — each found a different mix of volatile compounds, including esters, ketones and many different organosulfur compounds, with no agreement on which may be primarily responsible for the distinctive odor.
27. What are the distinctive features of durian?
a. The size, the odor, and the husk.
b. The unforgettable flavor.
c. The degree of ripeness.
d. The prickly thorns.
28. According to the text, the following statements
are TRUE, except ….
a. the odor of the ripe fruit is enjoyable.
b. a deep caramel is one of the durian’s flavor.
c. the hard outer husk is covered with sharp
d. durian revered in Southeast Asia as “King of Fruits”.
29. One of the aromas of durian is ….
a. hot caramel. c. sweet chocolate.
b. unidentified. d. roasted almonds.
30. The above text is in the form of ….
a. recount. c. procedure.
b. narrative. d. descriptive.
31. “The degree of … the flavor as well.” (Paragraph 3 line 3)
What is the meaning of ‘flavor’?
a. Taste and smell of food.
b. Sharp unpleasant taste.
c. Strong taste of a meal.
d. Taste of sugar.
Read this text and answer questions 32 to 34
How to Show Condensation
Materials needed
A transparent drinking glass
Some ice cubes
Step 1: fill the glass three-quarter full with water
Step 2: add the ice cubes to the water until the water level is so close to the top.
Step 3: leave the glass until water droplets from the outside of the glass.
The water droplets on the outside of the glass come from the air.
As the air outside the glass cools, the water vapor in the air condenses and water droplets are formed.
32. “How to show condensation” (Line 2)
What does the underlined word mean?
a. The act of changing something into a liquid.
b. The process of heating something into liquid.
c. Cause something to bubble and change into steam.
d. Cause something to change into vapor and disappear.
33. “ A transparent drinking glass” (Line 4)
The underlined word means ….
a. can be seen through something
b. can be soften with something
c. have a high temperature
d. not in the form of a gas
34. “Add the ice cubes to the water until the water level is so close to the top.” (Line 8)
The meaning of ‘cubes’ is ….
a. solid body having six equal square sides
b. deep round container for liquid
c. stiff container for holding solid
d. tight thing to hold an ice
This text is for number 35 to 37.
Jenny went to the circus with Edison and Shawn. First, they saw the seals perform. The seals balanced themselves on tires and rolled round the ring. A seal on a stool balanced an umbrella on its nose. After that, the trainer feed them with fish.
The next item was the knife-throwing act. Jenny was afraid to watch it, so she covered her eyes with her hand. Not long after, it was the lion’s act. It was the most exciting performance. The lions jumped through the burning hoops. Everyone held their breath when the lion trainer put his head into the lion’s mouth.
Finally, it was the clown’s act. Jenny and her brothers liked the clown’s act best. They look funny with their painted faces and baggy costumes. One of them swung a pail at Jenny. She screamed! Scraps of paper flew out the pail and the audience laughed.
At the end of the show, everyone clapped loudly.
35. “Jenny went to the circus with Edison and
Shawn.” (Line 1)
The meaning of ‘circus’ is ….
a. show off performing animals, acrobats, etc in a large tent
b. space or passage inside the entrance of the house
c. act, play, or sing to an audience
d. person or thing of the best kind
36. “The lions jumped through the burning hoops.”
(Paragraph 2 line 3) What is ‘hoops’?
a. Cover of the head.
b. Curved piece of metal.
c. Hard bony part of a thing.
d. Circular band of wood or metal.
37. “They looked … and baggy costumes.” (Paragraph 3 line 2)
‘Baggy’ is ….
a. hold tightly c. hanging loosely
b. fitting closely d. fastening firmly
38. Reach – keep – of – out – children – of
1 2 3 4 5 6
The best arrangement of these words is ….
a. 2-4-6-1-3-5 c. 4-6-2-5-3-1
b. 2-4-6-5-3-1 d. 6-2-3-41-5
39. Arrange these words below into a good sentence.
Stadium – base – Manchester – Old – the – United
1 2 3 4 5 6
– Trafford – is – of
7 8 9
a. 4-7-1-5-8-2-9-3-6 c. 5-4-7-1-8-9-3-6-2
b. 4-7-1-8-5-2-9-3-6 d. 5-4-7-1-8-2-3-6-9
40. Read the sentences below. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph.
1 These violent storms are often a hundred miles in diameter, and their wind can reach velocities of seventy-five miles per hour or more.
2 The energy that is released by a hurricane in one day exceeds the total energy consumed by the humankind through out the world in one year.
3 Hurricanes exert tremendous power.
4 Furthermore, the strong wind and heavy rain fall that accompany them can completely destroy a small town in a couple of hours.
5 They can also be called cyclones.
a. 1-2-3-4-5
b. 3-5-1-4-2
c. 3-5-1-2-4
d. 5-4-3-2-1
41. Read the sentences below. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph.
World Population Growth
1 It took more than 1,800 years for the population to reach one billion.
2 The United Nations has projected an increase to more than six billion by the year 2000.
3 According to the United Nations chart of world population growth, the world’s population suddenly multiplied in the nineteenth and twentieth century.
4 By 1975, when it reached four billions, it had doubled again in less than fifty years.
5 The world’s population has been increasing dramatically.
6 At the beginning of the Christian era, the estimated world population was 200 to 300 million.
7 Then in less than one hundred years, the figure doubled to two billions by 1930.
a. 5-3-6-1-7-4-2
b. 5-3-6-1-7-2-4
c. 5-3-6-7-1-2-4
d. 5-3-6-7-1-4-2
Soal Kelas VII Remedial
A Complete these dialogs!
a. Ben : Hello. I’m Ben.
Ani : Hello, Ben. I’m Ani.
Ben : Hi Ani.
Ani : You are new here,
Ben : I am.
Ani : Well, welcome to
the school.
Ben : …………………
b. Mrs. Santosa: Hello. Are you the
new student?
Ben : Yes, Mam. I am.
Mrs. Santosa: And your name is…?
Ben : Ben, Mam.
Mrs. Santosa: Ben. Is that it?
Ben : Benedict, Mam.
Mrs. santosa: How do you spell it?
Ben : B E N E D I C T.
Mrs. Santosa: Right. Nice to meet
you Benedict.
Ben : …………….. too, Mam.
c. Anang : Hi, Ben. I am Anang.
Ben : Hi, Anang.
Anang : …………………………?
Ben : I am from England.
Anang : England? That’s very
B. Fill this incomplete paragraph rightly!
Hi, I am . . . . (a) I’m . . . (b) years old. I like to . . . . (c) I come from . . . . (d) I have . . . . (e) My father works . . . .(f)
4. Make the dialogues based on the
1. You have a new teacher.
How would you introduce yourself?
2. You have a new friend at school.
How would you introduce yourself?
3. You are a new student.
How would you introduce yourself to the class?
C. Reading
Read the text carefully and answer the questions!
Hi, I am Tanti. I am 13 years old. I like to collect stamps and dance very much. I come from a small family. I have an older sister and a younger brother. My father works for a company and my mother is a teacher. Oh yeah, I have a pet. It’s a cat. His name is Belang.
1. How old is Tanti?
2. What is her mother’s occupation?
3. How many brothers and sisters does Tanti have?
4. What are her hobbies?
5. Who is Belang?
6. How many people are there in Tanti’s family?
2.Change to the negative and interrogative forms!
a. Mr. Sukijo is our librarian
b. I am an SMP student
c. English is my favorite subject
d. Andi and Ani are my classmates
e. Dini is a clever student in my class.
3.Arrange these words to make a good
a. Andi – teacher – Mr. – a – is - ?
b. student – am – a – I
c. children – they – are
d. in – students – the – are – the - laboratory
e. not – Andi – is – teacher. Is – he –
student – a.
a. Ben : Hello. I’m Ben.
Ani : Hello, Ben. I’m Ani.
Ben : Hi Ani.
Ani : You are new here,
Ben : I am.
Ani : Well, welcome to
the school.
Ben : …………………
b. Mrs. Santosa: Hello. Are you the
new student?
Ben : Yes, Mam. I am.
Mrs. Santosa: And your name is…?
Ben : Ben, Mam.
Mrs. Santosa: Ben. Is that it?
Ben : Benedict, Mam.
Mrs. santosa: How do you spell it?
Ben : B E N E D I C T.
Mrs. Santosa: Right. Nice to meet
you Benedict.
Ben : …………….. too, Mam.
c. Anang : Hi, Ben. I am Anang.
Ben : Hi, Anang.
Anang : …………………………?
Ben : I am from England.
Anang : England? That’s very
B. Fill this incomplete paragraph rightly!
Hi, I am . . . . (a) I’m . . . (b) years old. I like to . . . . (c) I come from . . . . (d) I have . . . . (e) My father works . . . .(f)
4. Make the dialogues based on the
1. You have a new teacher.
How would you introduce yourself?
2. You have a new friend at school.
How would you introduce yourself?
3. You are a new student.
How would you introduce yourself to the class?
C. Reading
Read the text carefully and answer the questions!
Hi, I am Tanti. I am 13 years old. I like to collect stamps and dance very much. I come from a small family. I have an older sister and a younger brother. My father works for a company and my mother is a teacher. Oh yeah, I have a pet. It’s a cat. His name is Belang.
1. How old is Tanti?
2. What is her mother’s occupation?
3. How many brothers and sisters does Tanti have?
4. What are her hobbies?
5. Who is Belang?
6. How many people are there in Tanti’s family?
2.Change to the negative and interrogative forms!
a. Mr. Sukijo is our librarian
b. I am an SMP student
c. English is my favorite subject
d. Andi and Ani are my classmates
e. Dini is a clever student in my class.
3.Arrange these words to make a good
a. Andi – teacher – Mr. – a – is - ?
b. student – am – a – I
c. children – they – are
d. in – students – the – are – the - laboratory
e. not – Andi – is – teacher. Is – he –
student – a.
Rabu, 10 Februari 2010
Polite expressions
Here are some polite expressions you can use when you ask something from
someone, ask someone to do something, ask permissions and give advice.
May I …?
Do you think it’s OK if …?
Sorry to disturb you, but …
Excuse me, please.
May I interrupt, please?
I wonder if you could …
Do you mind if …?
• May I help you .... • All right, Sir/Ma’am.
• Would you mind ....
• Could you please ....
• Shall I .... • That will be ....
• Would you please .... • Thank you very much for ....
Activity 1
Listen and complete the dialogues. Then practise it with your friend. The
listening script is in the appendix.
Dialogue 1
Neneng : Excuse me, ma’am.
Ms Ira : Yes, Neneng. What’s the matter?
Neneng : May I borrow……..… your dictionary? I need to look up a new
Ms Ira : Sure. Here……. you are.
Neneng : Thank… ….you Ms Ira. I’ll return it as soon as possible.
Ms Ira : You’re …welcome.
Activity 2
Noya : Excuse me, sir. may… I interrupt,please …? I have a question.
Mr Hardi : Certainly, Noya.
Noya : I wonder if you could… explain the
respiratory system again.
Mr Hardi : OK. I’ll explain it after the lesson… time. Is it all right?
Noya : OK, sir. thank… you.
Activity 3
Complete the dialogues below with the suitable expressions.
Yeni : Jono, do you know how to change the film in this camera?
Jono : I’m sorry, I don’t.
Yeni : It’s OK.
1. Budi : I think you forget to turn off the computer.
Siti : ……………………………….
Budi : That’s OK.
2. Satria : Can you show me how to update an anti virus?
Narti : Sorry, I don’t know how either.
Satria : ……………………………….
3. Damanik : I’m sorry. I can’t show you how to send an e-mail now.
Sally : ……………………………….
4. Diana : You’re going too fast. I can’t catch what you said.
Siti : ………………………………..
Diana : ………………………………..
5. Terry : Hidayat, can you show me how to set the TV channels?
Hidayat : ……………………. I can’t. I have to take an English course now.
Terry : ………………………….........
Clerk : Front desk. May I help you?
Keiko : Yes. This is Room 2234. May I have some extra towels please?
Clerk : Sure. I’ll send some up right away.
Keiko : Oh, and could I borrow an iron?
Clerk : Certainly. I’ll send one up with the towels.
Keiko : Great! Oh, I’d like a wake-up call tomorrow morning, please.
Clerk : Certainly. What time would you like us to call you?
Keiko : Umm... 7 a.m. would be fine.
Clerk : Sure.
Keiko : Thanks a lot.
Clerk : You’re welcome.
The expressions below are polite expressions to show gratitude and respond to it.
Thanking Responding to thanks
Thanks for….
Thank you very/ so much.
Thanks a million
Responding to thanks
You’re welcome.
My pleasure.
Any time.
No trouble at all.
Not at all.
I really appreciate it.
Complete the following dialogues with the right expressions from the box.
Then, practice them with your classmates.
Do you mind if I open the window?
Do you think it’s okay if I go home early today?
If I were you I wouldn’t do that.
Sorry to disturb you, but I need to ask you something.
Dialogue 1
Echa : … Where’s the nearest post office?
Policeman : It’s over there, on the left.
Echa : Thank you, sir.
Dialogue 2
Iksan : …
Man : No, please do.
Iksan : Thank you. It’s very hot here.
Dialogue 3
Dira : Excuse me. …
Woman : Pardon?
Dira : This road is very busy. It’s too dangerous to cross it here.
There’s a zebra cross near the bus stop.
Woman : Thank you.
Dialogue 4
Jono : Excuse me, sir. …
Mr Rustam : Why?
Jono : My father is in hospital and I want to visit him.
Mr Rustam : OK. Give him my best regards.
Jono : All right, sir. Thank you.
Complete the dialogues using the suitable expressions. Look at the example.
Daniel : Will you show me how to open an email account?
Sarah : Sure.
Daniel : Thanks a lot.
Sarah : Don’t mention it.
Dialogue 1
Bambang : Edi, how do you send a short message?
Edi : It’s very easy. Just go to the main menu, and then select
“Message”. After that select “Write New”/“Write Message” and then
write your message. When you’ve finished writing your message,
press “Send” or “OK” or “Yes”. And then go to phonebook and
select the number you want to send it to.
Bambang : Wow, that’s easy. Thanks.
Edi : …………………………………
Dialogue 2
Albar : I’m sorry. What did you say?
Kania : I said you should retype the code first.
Albar : Oh, OK. …………….
Kania : Any time.
Dialogue 3
Santi : I’m sorry. I didn’t catch what you said.
Susan : Oh, I’ll repeat.
Santi : Thanks.
Susan : ………………………………..
Dialogue 4
Dedi : What was that again?
Dona : You missed the fourth step.
Dedi : Really? Thanks, I didn’t know.
Dona : ………………………………...
Dialogue 5
Yuli : Could you repeat the last step?
Novi : OK.
Yuli : ………………………………..
Novi : Don’t mention it.
Complete the dialogues below with the suitable expressions.
Yeni : Jono, do you know how to change the film in this camera?
Jono : I’m sorry, I don’t.
Yeni : It’s OK.
1. Budi : I think you forget to turn off the computer.
Siti : ……………………………….
Budi : That’s OK.
2. Satria : Can you show me how to update an anti virus?
Narti : Sorry, I don’t know how either.
Satria : ……………………………….
3. Damanik : I’m sorry. I can’t show you how to send an e-mail now.
Sally : ……………………………….
4. Diana : You’re going too fast. I can’t catch what you said.
Siti : ………………………………..
Diana : ………………………………..
5. Terry : Hidayat, can you show me how to set the TV channels?
Hidayat : ……………………. I can’t. I have to take an English course now.
Terry : ………………………….........
Listen to your teacher reading the dialogue between Mona and Sophie. They
try to be polite to each another.
Mona and Shopie are in Mona’s bedroom. Shopie is a new student and now becomes Mona’s good friend. Shopie is in Mona’s home now.
Mona : Well, this is my bedroom.
Sophie : Oh … er, it’s very nice.
Mona : No, it’s not! It’s terrible! But I like it any way. Hey, I’ve got a new
CD. It’s the Corrs.
Sophie : Do you like the group?
Mona : Well, I enjoy their songs but it’s not my favourite. I prefer West Life
to the Corrs. Now would you like to listen to ‘I Have a Dream’ by
West Life?
Sophie : Oh, yeah. It’s really very nice. It’s a beautiful song. Well, Mona, may
I go to your bathroom, please?
Mona : Sure. Make yourself at home.
Shopie : Thanks a lot.
1. Does Mona like her bedroom actually?
2. How does Sophie like Mona’s bedroom?
3. Does Mona like the Corrs better than West Life?
4. Mona said, “Would you like to listen to ….” rather than just said, “Listen to
….” She did this because she wanted:
a. to be polite to her new friend
b. not to be friendly
c. to be rude to her friend.
5. How does Sophie like ‘I Have a Dream.’ How do you know that?
When Shopie asked for the permission to use Mona’s bathroom, she did it
very politely.
6. Write how she asked for the permission: ………………………………………
The following are some expressions to show politeness:
• Please
• May I …? or Could I …?
• Could I have …?
• Would you like …?
• I’d like …
• I’d rather not …, I’m afraid I can’t …, or I’d like to, but …
Section One, Presentation, Activity 1
Dialogue 1
Neneng : Excuse me, ma’am.
Ms Ira : Yes, Neneng. What’s the matter?
Neneng : May I borrow your dictionary? I need to look up a new word.
Ms Ira : Sure. Here you are.
Neneng : Thank you Ms Ira. I’ll return it as soon as possible.
Ms Ira : You’re welcome.
Dialogue 2
Noya : Excuse me, sir. May I interrupt, please? I have a question.
Mr Hardi : Certainly, Noya.
Noya : I wonder if you could explain the respiratory system again.
Mr Hardi : OK. I’ll explain it after the break time. Is it all right?
Noya : OK, sir. Thank you.
Responding to Good News and Expressing Opinions
Activity 1
The following dialogue involves a student telling good news and the one
receiving it. Study the typical expressions to tell good news and to respond to it.
Manneke : Hi, Jane. I’ve been looking for you.
Jane : Hi. What’s up?
Manneke : I have good news for you. Your article on the tourism in Manado
won the national competition.
Jane : Really? It’s what I want to hear. Where can I find the information
about it?
Manneke : I read the announcement in front of the teacher’s office.
Jane : I want to see it. Thanks for the information.
Manneke : No problem. Congratulations, Jane.
Jane : Thank you.
In the dialogue, you find that Jane is happy with the good news. Jane responds to
the good news by saying ‘Really? It’s what I want to hear’. Study the expressions to respond to good news in formal and informal situations.
In a formal situation
In a formal situation, people respond to good news by saying that they feel happy with the news. Some expressions are:
I’m glad to hear that.
I’m happy with the news.
I can feel that you’re happy.
In an informal situation, people
respond to good news in more various ways. They usually express their
amazement on the news, express great happiness, or even express that
they are confused. Some examples of the expressions are:
That’s great.
In our life we often have to express opinions about something.
Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her.
• I like/love cycling.
• I quite like swimming.
• I (really) enjoy reading.
• I’m very keen on football.
• I’m really fond of apples.
Activity 4
In our life we often have to express opinions about something.
Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her.
• I like/love cycling.
• I quite like swimming.
• I (really) enjoy reading.
• I’m very keen on football.
Activity 6
Study the dialogues below.
Answer the questions that follow.
Dialogue 1
Enos and Nida are on the way to the library
wanting to see what is on the English Corner.
Enos : Do you like our school library?
Nida : Yes, I do. I like the English Corner in particular. What about you?
Enos : The English Corner is not bad. I don’t like some writings on
because they have a lot of mistakes. But I really like the information on some English learning materials from the Internet. So I usually
go to some of the websites to get some more materials for learning English. I love them very much.
Nida : Great. Well, I also like some children’s stories from the Internet.The librarians are good too and they are very helpful.
1. What are Enos and Nida talking about?
2. What makes them go to the library?
3. Does Enos like the English Corner in the library or not? What did he say?
4. What does Nida like very much?
5. Underline the expressions that show ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’.
Activity 5
Sometimes we also have to express opinions contrary to the above examples.
Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her.
• (I’m afraid) I don’t like bananas.
• I really hate lamb.
• I’m not very keen on swim Tina want?
2. What do you know about the girls’ school library?
3. What makes Tina love the library?
4. Write the expressions that tell ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’.
Activity 7
When we are given two or more choices, we sometimes have to express opinions
showing a choice.
Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her.
• I like apples more than bananas.
• I like jogging better than cycling.
• I prefer tea to coffee.
• Reading is more enjoyable than watching movies.
Activity 8
Listen to your teacher reading a dialogue between school friends, Tomi and
Tomi : Do you like rock music, Dea?
Dea : No, I don’t like it very much. It’s very noisy. Do you?
Tomi : Well, yes, I do. I’m a real fan of the Linkin’ Park.
I love their music. It’s nice pop rock.
Dea : Really? Is the group still popular?
Tomi : Yes. I think so. What kind of music do you like now?
Dea : I love pop songs, especially English songs. They help me learn
English a lot.
Tomi : Who’s your favourite group?
Dea : I’m really fond of West Life although they are not popular any more.
1. Does Tomi like rock music?
2. What about Dea?
3. Do the scorpions play rock music or jazz?
4. Who loves West Life?
5. Is West Life still popular now?
Activity 1
Complete the following dialogues by using the expressions below. You can use
the expressions more than once.
I’m glad to hear that.
That’s great.
I’ve got good news.
I cannot believe that...
Thank God.
1. Maria : ___________. We’ll have a trip to Bandung and Jakarta.
Adi : That’ll be great. We can visit Tangkuban Perahu and Tugu
Monumen Nasional.
2. Mr Jarwo : Finally, this project succeeds.
Mr Brata :_______ Thank you.
3. Putri : _____ my brother has History of Indonesia, a book I’m looking for.
Fredy : _________. We can finish our project on Indonesian history.
4. Ida : _________ finally I’ll have a vacation in Bali.
Asep : _________.
5. Laila : ______________. Ferias will get married next month.
Angelina :_________ she’ll get married.
Here are some polite expressions you can use when you ask something from
someone, ask someone to do something, ask permissions and give advice.
May I …?
Do you think it’s OK if …?
Sorry to disturb you, but …
Excuse me, please.
May I interrupt, please?
I wonder if you could …
Do you mind if …?
• May I help you .... • All right, Sir/Ma’am.
• Would you mind ....
• Could you please ....
• Shall I .... • That will be ....
• Would you please .... • Thank you very much for ....
Activity 1
Listen and complete the dialogues. Then practise it with your friend. The
listening script is in the appendix.
Dialogue 1
Neneng : Excuse me, ma’am.
Ms Ira : Yes, Neneng. What’s the matter?
Neneng : May I borrow……..… your dictionary? I need to look up a new
Ms Ira : Sure. Here……. you are.
Neneng : Thank… ….you Ms Ira. I’ll return it as soon as possible.
Ms Ira : You’re …welcome.
Activity 2
Noya : Excuse me, sir. may… I interrupt,please …? I have a question.
Mr Hardi : Certainly, Noya.
Noya : I wonder if you could… explain the
respiratory system again.
Mr Hardi : OK. I’ll explain it after the lesson… time. Is it all right?
Noya : OK, sir. thank… you.
Activity 3
Complete the dialogues below with the suitable expressions.
Yeni : Jono, do you know how to change the film in this camera?
Jono : I’m sorry, I don’t.
Yeni : It’s OK.
1. Budi : I think you forget to turn off the computer.
Siti : ……………………………….
Budi : That’s OK.
2. Satria : Can you show me how to update an anti virus?
Narti : Sorry, I don’t know how either.
Satria : ……………………………….
3. Damanik : I’m sorry. I can’t show you how to send an e-mail now.
Sally : ……………………………….
4. Diana : You’re going too fast. I can’t catch what you said.
Siti : ………………………………..
Diana : ………………………………..
5. Terry : Hidayat, can you show me how to set the TV channels?
Hidayat : ……………………. I can’t. I have to take an English course now.
Terry : ………………………….........
Clerk : Front desk. May I help you?
Keiko : Yes. This is Room 2234. May I have some extra towels please?
Clerk : Sure. I’ll send some up right away.
Keiko : Oh, and could I borrow an iron?
Clerk : Certainly. I’ll send one up with the towels.
Keiko : Great! Oh, I’d like a wake-up call tomorrow morning, please.
Clerk : Certainly. What time would you like us to call you?
Keiko : Umm... 7 a.m. would be fine.
Clerk : Sure.
Keiko : Thanks a lot.
Clerk : You’re welcome.
The expressions below are polite expressions to show gratitude and respond to it.
Thanking Responding to thanks
Thanks for….
Thank you very/ so much.
Thanks a million
Responding to thanks
You’re welcome.
My pleasure.
Any time.
No trouble at all.
Not at all.
I really appreciate it.
Complete the following dialogues with the right expressions from the box.
Then, practice them with your classmates.
Do you mind if I open the window?
Do you think it’s okay if I go home early today?
If I were you I wouldn’t do that.
Sorry to disturb you, but I need to ask you something.
Dialogue 1
Echa : … Where’s the nearest post office?
Policeman : It’s over there, on the left.
Echa : Thank you, sir.
Dialogue 2
Iksan : …
Man : No, please do.
Iksan : Thank you. It’s very hot here.
Dialogue 3
Dira : Excuse me. …
Woman : Pardon?
Dira : This road is very busy. It’s too dangerous to cross it here.
There’s a zebra cross near the bus stop.
Woman : Thank you.
Dialogue 4
Jono : Excuse me, sir. …
Mr Rustam : Why?
Jono : My father is in hospital and I want to visit him.
Mr Rustam : OK. Give him my best regards.
Jono : All right, sir. Thank you.
Complete the dialogues using the suitable expressions. Look at the example.
Daniel : Will you show me how to open an email account?
Sarah : Sure.
Daniel : Thanks a lot.
Sarah : Don’t mention it.
Dialogue 1
Bambang : Edi, how do you send a short message?
Edi : It’s very easy. Just go to the main menu, and then select
“Message”. After that select “Write New”/“Write Message” and then
write your message. When you’ve finished writing your message,
press “Send” or “OK” or “Yes”. And then go to phonebook and
select the number you want to send it to.
Bambang : Wow, that’s easy. Thanks.
Edi : …………………………………
Dialogue 2
Albar : I’m sorry. What did you say?
Kania : I said you should retype the code first.
Albar : Oh, OK. …………….
Kania : Any time.
Dialogue 3
Santi : I’m sorry. I didn’t catch what you said.
Susan : Oh, I’ll repeat.
Santi : Thanks.
Susan : ………………………………..
Dialogue 4
Dedi : What was that again?
Dona : You missed the fourth step.
Dedi : Really? Thanks, I didn’t know.
Dona : ………………………………...
Dialogue 5
Yuli : Could you repeat the last step?
Novi : OK.
Yuli : ………………………………..
Novi : Don’t mention it.
Complete the dialogues below with the suitable expressions.
Yeni : Jono, do you know how to change the film in this camera?
Jono : I’m sorry, I don’t.
Yeni : It’s OK.
1. Budi : I think you forget to turn off the computer.
Siti : ……………………………….
Budi : That’s OK.
2. Satria : Can you show me how to update an anti virus?
Narti : Sorry, I don’t know how either.
Satria : ……………………………….
3. Damanik : I’m sorry. I can’t show you how to send an e-mail now.
Sally : ……………………………….
4. Diana : You’re going too fast. I can’t catch what you said.
Siti : ………………………………..
Diana : ………………………………..
5. Terry : Hidayat, can you show me how to set the TV channels?
Hidayat : ……………………. I can’t. I have to take an English course now.
Terry : ………………………….........
Listen to your teacher reading the dialogue between Mona and Sophie. They
try to be polite to each another.
Mona and Shopie are in Mona’s bedroom. Shopie is a new student and now becomes Mona’s good friend. Shopie is in Mona’s home now.
Mona : Well, this is my bedroom.
Sophie : Oh … er, it’s very nice.
Mona : No, it’s not! It’s terrible! But I like it any way. Hey, I’ve got a new
CD. It’s the Corrs.
Sophie : Do you like the group?
Mona : Well, I enjoy their songs but it’s not my favourite. I prefer West Life
to the Corrs. Now would you like to listen to ‘I Have a Dream’ by
West Life?
Sophie : Oh, yeah. It’s really very nice. It’s a beautiful song. Well, Mona, may
I go to your bathroom, please?
Mona : Sure. Make yourself at home.
Shopie : Thanks a lot.
1. Does Mona like her bedroom actually?
2. How does Sophie like Mona’s bedroom?
3. Does Mona like the Corrs better than West Life?
4. Mona said, “Would you like to listen to ….” rather than just said, “Listen to
….” She did this because she wanted:
a. to be polite to her new friend
b. not to be friendly
c. to be rude to her friend.
5. How does Sophie like ‘I Have a Dream.’ How do you know that?
When Shopie asked for the permission to use Mona’s bathroom, she did it
very politely.
6. Write how she asked for the permission: ………………………………………
The following are some expressions to show politeness:
• Please
• May I …? or Could I …?
• Could I have …?
• Would you like …?
• I’d like …
• I’d rather not …, I’m afraid I can’t …, or I’d like to, but …
Section One, Presentation, Activity 1
Dialogue 1
Neneng : Excuse me, ma’am.
Ms Ira : Yes, Neneng. What’s the matter?
Neneng : May I borrow your dictionary? I need to look up a new word.
Ms Ira : Sure. Here you are.
Neneng : Thank you Ms Ira. I’ll return it as soon as possible.
Ms Ira : You’re welcome.
Dialogue 2
Noya : Excuse me, sir. May I interrupt, please? I have a question.
Mr Hardi : Certainly, Noya.
Noya : I wonder if you could explain the respiratory system again.
Mr Hardi : OK. I’ll explain it after the break time. Is it all right?
Noya : OK, sir. Thank you.
Responding to Good News and Expressing Opinions
Activity 1
The following dialogue involves a student telling good news and the one
receiving it. Study the typical expressions to tell good news and to respond to it.
Manneke : Hi, Jane. I’ve been looking for you.
Jane : Hi. What’s up?
Manneke : I have good news for you. Your article on the tourism in Manado
won the national competition.
Jane : Really? It’s what I want to hear. Where can I find the information
about it?
Manneke : I read the announcement in front of the teacher’s office.
Jane : I want to see it. Thanks for the information.
Manneke : No problem. Congratulations, Jane.
Jane : Thank you.
In the dialogue, you find that Jane is happy with the good news. Jane responds to
the good news by saying ‘Really? It’s what I want to hear’. Study the expressions to respond to good news in formal and informal situations.
In a formal situation
In a formal situation, people respond to good news by saying that they feel happy with the news. Some expressions are:
I’m glad to hear that.
I’m happy with the news.
I can feel that you’re happy.
In an informal situation, people
respond to good news in more various ways. They usually express their
amazement on the news, express great happiness, or even express that
they are confused. Some examples of the expressions are:
That’s great.
In our life we often have to express opinions about something.
Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her.
• I like/love cycling.
• I quite like swimming.
• I (really) enjoy reading.
• I’m very keen on football.
• I’m really fond of apples.
Activity 4
In our life we often have to express opinions about something.
Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her.
• I like/love cycling.
• I quite like swimming.
• I (really) enjoy reading.
• I’m very keen on football.
Activity 6
Study the dialogues below.
Answer the questions that follow.
Dialogue 1
Enos and Nida are on the way to the library
wanting to see what is on the English Corner.
Enos : Do you like our school library?
Nida : Yes, I do. I like the English Corner in particular. What about you?
Enos : The English Corner is not bad. I don’t like some writings on
because they have a lot of mistakes. But I really like the information on some English learning materials from the Internet. So I usually
go to some of the websites to get some more materials for learning English. I love them very much.
Nida : Great. Well, I also like some children’s stories from the Internet.The librarians are good too and they are very helpful.
1. What are Enos and Nida talking about?
2. What makes them go to the library?
3. Does Enos like the English Corner in the library or not? What did he say?
4. What does Nida like very much?
5. Underline the expressions that show ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’.
Activity 5
Sometimes we also have to express opinions contrary to the above examples.
Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her.
• (I’m afraid) I don’t like bananas.
• I really hate lamb.
• I’m not very keen on swim Tina want?
2. What do you know about the girls’ school library?
3. What makes Tina love the library?
4. Write the expressions that tell ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’.
Activity 7
When we are given two or more choices, we sometimes have to express opinions
showing a choice.
Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her.
• I like apples more than bananas.
• I like jogging better than cycling.
• I prefer tea to coffee.
• Reading is more enjoyable than watching movies.
Activity 8
Listen to your teacher reading a dialogue between school friends, Tomi and
Tomi : Do you like rock music, Dea?
Dea : No, I don’t like it very much. It’s very noisy. Do you?
Tomi : Well, yes, I do. I’m a real fan of the Linkin’ Park.
I love their music. It’s nice pop rock.
Dea : Really? Is the group still popular?
Tomi : Yes. I think so. What kind of music do you like now?
Dea : I love pop songs, especially English songs. They help me learn
English a lot.
Tomi : Who’s your favourite group?
Dea : I’m really fond of West Life although they are not popular any more.
1. Does Tomi like rock music?
2. What about Dea?
3. Do the scorpions play rock music or jazz?
4. Who loves West Life?
5. Is West Life still popular now?
Activity 1
Complete the following dialogues by using the expressions below. You can use
the expressions more than once.
I’m glad to hear that.
That’s great.
I’ve got good news.
I cannot believe that...
Thank God.
1. Maria : ___________. We’ll have a trip to Bandung and Jakarta.
Adi : That’ll be great. We can visit Tangkuban Perahu and Tugu
Monumen Nasional.
2. Mr Jarwo : Finally, this project succeeds.
Mr Brata :_______ Thank you.
3. Putri : _____ my brother has History of Indonesia, a book I’m looking for.
Fredy : _________. We can finish our project on Indonesian history.
4. Ida : _________ finally I’ll have a vacation in Bali.
Asep : _________.
5. Laila : ______________. Ferias will get married next month.
Angelina :_________ she’ll get married.
Selasa, 09 Februari 2010
Personal Letter 1
Jl. Pujangga 29
April 20, 2009
... (1)..Putri,
Putri, I’m so glad knowing that you and your family will come here next holiday. We haven’t seen each other for a long while. I miss you so much. If you .come.. (2), I will show you a new park in my town. It is a ..(3)... place, you know.
You informed that you and your family will go by train. However, I don’t know when you will come here exactly. Please tell me the time, so I can ..(4)... you up at the railway station.
O.K., that’s all for now. Please reply soon. Love to auntie, uncle, and Raka.
Personal Letter 2
Jl. Cempaka 178
April 25, 2009
Mr. Jonathan Prawira
Jl. Melati 295
Dear Sir,
You phoned us on Thursday, April 21, 2005 to order some antique furniture. We have written your order, but we’re sorry for losing our note. I hope you can tell us your order once again.
We wait for reply. We promise to send your order soon. We also promise not to be careless anymore. For us, the customers’ satisfaction is the most important thing.
Your sincerely,
Answer the Questions based on the text
1.What is the purpose of the letter?
2.How will Putri’s family go to Ratih’s house?
3.Ratih wrote in her letter “We haven’t seen each other for a long while.”
What do ' a long while' mean?
4. What will Ratih show to Putri if she comes to her town? Ratih wrote in her letter “Please reply soon.” What does 'reply' mean?
5.Ratih wrote in her letter “Putri, I’m so glad knowing … next holiday.”
What does 'glad' mean?
6.What did Ratih write “the closing” in her letter?
7.What is the purpose of the letter?
8.Who is Mr. Jonathan Prawira?
9. Why did the writer ask Mr.Jonathan to rewrite his order?
10.What does the letter tell us about?
Personal Letter 3
Read the letter below. Then, complete it with the words in the box!
a. tourist resort b. service c. told
d. brochure e. total fee f.accommodation
Jl. Kenanga 79
May 9, 2009
Modern Travel Agent
Jl. Hasanudin 214
Dear Sir/Madam,
On Monday we phoned your travel agent and … (1) you that we will go to Bandung next holiday. You had informed us about the … (2), but we are not sure about it. That’s why we want you to gives us more information about it.
Besides, we also want you to send us the … (3) about the traveling. Through it, we will know about the … (4) we will visit, how long we will stay there, and what … (5) we will have.
We hope you reply to our letter soon and give us the information we need. We do hope you give us good … (6). Thank you.
Jl. Pujangga 29
April 20, 2009
... (1)..Putri,
Putri, I’m so glad knowing that you and your family will come here next holiday. We haven’t seen each other for a long while. I miss you so much. If you .come.. (2), I will show you a new park in my town. It is a ..(3)... place, you know.
You informed that you and your family will go by train. However, I don’t know when you will come here exactly. Please tell me the time, so I can ..(4)... you up at the railway station.
O.K., that’s all for now. Please reply soon. Love to auntie, uncle, and Raka.
Personal Letter 2
Jl. Cempaka 178
April 25, 2009
Mr. Jonathan Prawira
Jl. Melati 295
Dear Sir,
You phoned us on Thursday, April 21, 2005 to order some antique furniture. We have written your order, but we’re sorry for losing our note. I hope you can tell us your order once again.
We wait for reply. We promise to send your order soon. We also promise not to be careless anymore. For us, the customers’ satisfaction is the most important thing.
Your sincerely,
Answer the Questions based on the text
1.What is the purpose of the letter?
2.How will Putri’s family go to Ratih’s house?
3.Ratih wrote in her letter “We haven’t seen each other for a long while.”
What do ' a long while' mean?
4. What will Ratih show to Putri if she comes to her town? Ratih wrote in her letter “Please reply soon.” What does 'reply' mean?
5.Ratih wrote in her letter “Putri, I’m so glad knowing … next holiday.”
What does 'glad' mean?
6.What did Ratih write “the closing” in her letter?
7.What is the purpose of the letter?
8.Who is Mr. Jonathan Prawira?
9. Why did the writer ask Mr.Jonathan to rewrite his order?
10.What does the letter tell us about?
Personal Letter 3
Read the letter below. Then, complete it with the words in the box!
a. tourist resort b. service c. told
d. brochure e. total fee f.accommodation
Jl. Kenanga 79
May 9, 2009
Modern Travel Agent
Jl. Hasanudin 214
Dear Sir/Madam,
On Monday we phoned your travel agent and … (1) you that we will go to Bandung next holiday. You had informed us about the … (2), but we are not sure about it. That’s why we want you to gives us more information about it.
Besides, we also want you to send us the … (3) about the traveling. Through it, we will know about the … (4) we will visit, how long we will stay there, and what … (5) we will have.
We hope you reply to our letter soon and give us the information we need. We do hope you give us good … (6). Thank you.
Soal-soal Teks Procedure
Read the text carefully and answer the questions!
Text 1 for questions 1-5
Withdrawing cash with an ATM Card
1. Read the directions.
2. Put your card into the slot.
3. Punch in your personal identification number (PIN).
4. When the choices appear, select “withdrawal from checking.”
5. Enter the amount that you want to withdraw.
6. When your money appears, remove it.
7. When the machine asks if you are finished, press “yes.”
8. Take out the receipt.
9. Take your card.
1. What do we do after you put the card into slot when you want to withdraw money with ATM?
a. Read the direction.
b. Punch in the PIN
c. Put the card again into the slot.
d. Select the “withdrawal from the checking”.
2. “When your money appears, remove it”
The word “it” here refers to ….
a. The machine we use to withdraw money.
b. The amount of money we withdraw from ATM.
c. The receipt we get from the machine.
d. The card we get after we insert into the slot.
3. When we have got the money we want to withdraw, what do we get?
a. Our ATM card.
b. A new PIN
c. “Yes” code from the machine.
d. A receipt
4. What is the goal of the text above?
a. How to save money with ATM.
b. How to operate an ATM.
c. How to withdraw money with ATM card.
d. How to use the ATM card.
5. “Take your card.” From this sentence, we know the card will ….
a. Come out automatically
b. Pop out after long time
c. Fall down from the machine
d. Be in the machine all time
Text 2 for questions 6-10
First, Open your “e-mail program” and launch “a new message window” by clicking on the appropriate icon.
Second, Type the name/the email address of the recipient, make sure to enter the address correctly otherwise the message will return to you. You can also send your email to more than one person by entering multiple addresses.
Third, Type the subject of your email/message.
Fourth, Write your message in the “Message window”
Fifth,Click on the “send” icon or select “send” from the file menu.
6. Which one is the best goal for the above text?
a. Making an email program.
b. A window message.
c. How to send an email.
d. Sending an email is very easy.
7. The statements below are wrong based on the text, except….
a. The text is a kind of report
b. There are six steps in the text
c. We can not send our email to many recipients at once
d. The email must be typed before it is sent
8. What is the social function of such a text?
a. To tell how something is done in a series sections.
b. To inform the material for doing something.
c. Describing the tools used in the text.
d. Narrating the thing being processed.
9. What does the word “recipient” in the text nearly mean?
a. Addressee.
b. Recipe.
c. Person who send the email.
d. The writer of the email.
10. You have to …before clicking the “send” icon or selecting it from the file menu.
a. open the message program
b. type your name
c. insert your picture
d. write your message
Text 3 for questions 11-15
Making Colored egg
- Hard boiled eggs (cooled)
- Paper towels
- Food coloring
- Glass jar
- Vinegar
- Salt
1. Rinse eggs in cooled water and dry it with paper towels. To make the dye, pour half a small bottle of food coloring into a glass jar and add 300 ml of hot water.
2. Add 300 ml vinegar and 15 ml salt. Lower an egg into the jar of dye and leave for a few minutes. Check the color of the eggs regularly.
3. When the eggs have reached the desired color, lift it out and repeat the process with the remaining eggs.
11. What liquid do we need in making colored eggs?
a. Salt b. Vinegar c. Glass jar d. Paper towel
12. Food coloring and hot water are needed to make ….
a. Rinse eggs b. dye c. vinegar d. paper towel
13. “Lower an egg into the jar of dye and leave for a few minutes.”
The underlined word is similar to ….
a. Dip b. Water c. Crack d. Peel
14. Which parts of the text do we get the way to make coloring eggs?
a. Goal b. Material c. Steps d. Identification
15. From the text above we get the information on …
a. What coloring eggs are c. Which the best coloring eggs.
b. How to coloring eggs d. Where we can find coloring
Text 4 for questions 16-20
Lapis Benggala
The dish is believed to have come to Indonesia during the turn of 20th century. As beef was consumed more than lamb or goat, the lapis benggala is made out of beef. The word Lapis Benggala is very interesting mix of Dutch and Malay. “Lapis” from Dutch lapjes (fillet) turned into lapis in Malay and Benggala is Malay for Bengal.
• 500 g beef, mutton or lamb cut into 5x7 cm pieces.
• 6 shallots
• 3 cloves of garlic
• A slice of ginger
• A slice of galangal 10 g
• 15 cm lemon grass
• 2 tsp roasted trassi
• ¼ tsp ground nutmeg
• 1 tsp salt or to taste
• ½ tsp ground pepper
• 3 Lbs margarine, for stir frying
• 300 ml beef, mutton 0r lamb broth
• 3 Jeruk purut (kaffir lime leaves)
• 3 Lbs sweet soy sauce
• 400 ml thick coconut milk
1. Grind shallots, garlic, ginger, galangal, lemon grass and trassi into a paste. Then add the meat slices. Season with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Mix and let stand for twenty minutes.
2. Heat margarine or butter and add the spiced meat slices. Cook over medium heat until meat changes color.
3. Pour in meat broth and add the lime leaves, sweet soy sauce and coconut milk.
4. Continue cooking until meat is tender.
Makes 5 servings.
16. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To entertain the readers.
b. To describe a Lapis Benggala.
c. To tell how to make a Lapis Benggala
d. To inform what the Lapis Benggala is.
17. What should we do to make the butter dissolve in the cook?
a. Add the spiced meat slices.
b. Heat margarine cooks over medium heat.
c. Pour in meat broth.
d. Continue cooking.
18. According to the text, we need … kinds of materials to make a Lapis Benggala.
a. 15 b. 16 c. 17 d. 18
19. “Pour in meat broth and add the lime leaves.”
The underlined word means ….
a. put b. take c. place d. mix
20. What do you use to grind?
a. Mixer b. Grater c. Blender d. Cooker
Text 5 questions 21-26
Read the text below and choose the word that is closest to the meaning of each of words as used in the text!
How to catch a wave
Here’s some advice for kids who are just learning how to surf.
1. Use a light, small, fiberglass board with a leg rope and wetsuit if it is cold.
2. Find a safe, uncrowned spot on the beach. The water should not be choppy so that you will get clean ride.
3. Don’t go out too far if you haven’t surfed before.
4. Wait until you see a small wave then lie on your surfboard. When the wave is close, start paddling furiously.
5. If you’re more experienced, you could try kneeling on the board once you are on the wave.
6. The most important thing is to keep your balance or else you will end up falling off the board.
21. surf (verb)
a. drive a wave
b. ride on a wave
c. swim under a wave
22. wetsuit (noun)
a. T-shirt
b. trousers
c. rubber clothing
23. spot
a. place
b. area
c. pool
24. choppy
a. slippery
b. wide
c. small
25. paddle (verb)
a. swim
b. pull
c. drive
=== good luck ===
Read the text carefully and answer the questions!
Text 1 for questions 1-5
Withdrawing cash with an ATM Card
1. Read the directions.
2. Put your card into the slot.
3. Punch in your personal identification number (PIN).
4. When the choices appear, select “withdrawal from checking.”
5. Enter the amount that you want to withdraw.
6. When your money appears, remove it.
7. When the machine asks if you are finished, press “yes.”
8. Take out the receipt.
9. Take your card.
1. What do we do after you put the card into slot when you want to withdraw money with ATM?
a. Read the direction.
b. Punch in the PIN
c. Put the card again into the slot.
d. Select the “withdrawal from the checking”.
2. “When your money appears, remove it”
The word “it” here refers to ….
a. The machine we use to withdraw money.
b. The amount of money we withdraw from ATM.
c. The receipt we get from the machine.
d. The card we get after we insert into the slot.
3. When we have got the money we want to withdraw, what do we get?
a. Our ATM card.
b. A new PIN
c. “Yes” code from the machine.
d. A receipt
4. What is the goal of the text above?
a. How to save money with ATM.
b. How to operate an ATM.
c. How to withdraw money with ATM card.
d. How to use the ATM card.
5. “Take your card.” From this sentence, we know the card will ….
a. Come out automatically
b. Pop out after long time
c. Fall down from the machine
d. Be in the machine all time
Text 2 for questions 6-10
First, Open your “e-mail program” and launch “a new message window” by clicking on the appropriate icon.
Second, Type the name/the email address of the recipient, make sure to enter the address correctly otherwise the message will return to you. You can also send your email to more than one person by entering multiple addresses.
Third, Type the subject of your email/message.
Fourth, Write your message in the “Message window”
Fifth,Click on the “send” icon or select “send” from the file menu.
6. Which one is the best goal for the above text?
a. Making an email program.
b. A window message.
c. How to send an email.
d. Sending an email is very easy.
7. The statements below are wrong based on the text, except….
a. The text is a kind of report
b. There are six steps in the text
c. We can not send our email to many recipients at once
d. The email must be typed before it is sent
8. What is the social function of such a text?
a. To tell how something is done in a series sections.
b. To inform the material for doing something.
c. Describing the tools used in the text.
d. Narrating the thing being processed.
9. What does the word “recipient” in the text nearly mean?
a. Addressee.
b. Recipe.
c. Person who send the email.
d. The writer of the email.
10. You have to …before clicking the “send” icon or selecting it from the file menu.
a. open the message program
b. type your name
c. insert your picture
d. write your message
Text 3 for questions 11-15
Making Colored egg
- Hard boiled eggs (cooled)
- Paper towels
- Food coloring
- Glass jar
- Vinegar
- Salt
1. Rinse eggs in cooled water and dry it with paper towels. To make the dye, pour half a small bottle of food coloring into a glass jar and add 300 ml of hot water.
2. Add 300 ml vinegar and 15 ml salt. Lower an egg into the jar of dye and leave for a few minutes. Check the color of the eggs regularly.
3. When the eggs have reached the desired color, lift it out and repeat the process with the remaining eggs.
11. What liquid do we need in making colored eggs?
a. Salt b. Vinegar c. Glass jar d. Paper towel
12. Food coloring and hot water are needed to make ….
a. Rinse eggs b. dye c. vinegar d. paper towel
13. “Lower an egg into the jar of dye and leave for a few minutes.”
The underlined word is similar to ….
a. Dip b. Water c. Crack d. Peel
14. Which parts of the text do we get the way to make coloring eggs?
a. Goal b. Material c. Steps d. Identification
15. From the text above we get the information on …
a. What coloring eggs are c. Which the best coloring eggs.
b. How to coloring eggs d. Where we can find coloring
Text 4 for questions 16-20
Lapis Benggala
The dish is believed to have come to Indonesia during the turn of 20th century. As beef was consumed more than lamb or goat, the lapis benggala is made out of beef. The word Lapis Benggala is very interesting mix of Dutch and Malay. “Lapis” from Dutch lapjes (fillet) turned into lapis in Malay and Benggala is Malay for Bengal.
• 500 g beef, mutton or lamb cut into 5x7 cm pieces.
• 6 shallots
• 3 cloves of garlic
• A slice of ginger
• A slice of galangal 10 g
• 15 cm lemon grass
• 2 tsp roasted trassi
• ¼ tsp ground nutmeg
• 1 tsp salt or to taste
• ½ tsp ground pepper
• 3 Lbs margarine, for stir frying
• 300 ml beef, mutton 0r lamb broth
• 3 Jeruk purut (kaffir lime leaves)
• 3 Lbs sweet soy sauce
• 400 ml thick coconut milk
1. Grind shallots, garlic, ginger, galangal, lemon grass and trassi into a paste. Then add the meat slices. Season with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Mix and let stand for twenty minutes.
2. Heat margarine or butter and add the spiced meat slices. Cook over medium heat until meat changes color.
3. Pour in meat broth and add the lime leaves, sweet soy sauce and coconut milk.
4. Continue cooking until meat is tender.
Makes 5 servings.
16. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To entertain the readers.
b. To describe a Lapis Benggala.
c. To tell how to make a Lapis Benggala
d. To inform what the Lapis Benggala is.
17. What should we do to make the butter dissolve in the cook?
a. Add the spiced meat slices.
b. Heat margarine cooks over medium heat.
c. Pour in meat broth.
d. Continue cooking.
18. According to the text, we need … kinds of materials to make a Lapis Benggala.
a. 15 b. 16 c. 17 d. 18
19. “Pour in meat broth and add the lime leaves.”
The underlined word means ….
a. put b. take c. place d. mix
20. What do you use to grind?
a. Mixer b. Grater c. Blender d. Cooker
Text 5 questions 21-26
Read the text below and choose the word that is closest to the meaning of each of words as used in the text!
How to catch a wave
Here’s some advice for kids who are just learning how to surf.
1. Use a light, small, fiberglass board with a leg rope and wetsuit if it is cold.
2. Find a safe, uncrowned spot on the beach. The water should not be choppy so that you will get clean ride.
3. Don’t go out too far if you haven’t surfed before.
4. Wait until you see a small wave then lie on your surfboard. When the wave is close, start paddling furiously.
5. If you’re more experienced, you could try kneeling on the board once you are on the wave.
6. The most important thing is to keep your balance or else you will end up falling off the board.
21. surf (verb)
a. drive a wave
b. ride on a wave
c. swim under a wave
22. wetsuit (noun)
a. T-shirt
b. trousers
c. rubber clothing
23. spot
a. place
b. area
c. pool
24. choppy
a. slippery
b. wide
c. small
25. paddle (verb)
a. swim
b. pull
c. drive
=== good luck ===
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